
Kyle Rittenhouse verdict should teach us all not to trust instant analysis and agenda-driven reporting

Not guilty on all counts: That verdict comes as no surprise to anyone who’d paid close attention to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial but may shock those who relied on horrifically biased media accounts.

Nearly all the early media tropes proved false: He didn’t bring the gun across state lines; he had major roots in Kenosha including his day job and much of his family. He wasn’t a militia-wannabe but an aspiring cop/firefighter/EMT.

Absolutely nothing suggests he was a “white supremacist,” as no less than Joe Biden claimed right before last year’s election.

And the men he shot were all attacking him when he pulled the trigger; all were white, and at least two had histories of violence.

None of this makes him a “patriot,” as ideologues on the other side insist. But the evidence for self-defense was rock-solid.

Kyle Rittenhouse reacts to his acquittal in court on Nov. 19, 2021. Court TV
Rittenhouse supporters react to the verdict outside of the Kenosha County courthouse on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021. Stephen Yang
BLM activists listen to the verdict outside of the Kenosha County courthouse at the end of jury deliberation during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Stephen Yang

Some refuse to admit that. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D.) released a bizarre statement that “no verdict will be able to bring back the lives” of the two men Rittenhouse killed, nor “heal the wounds” of the Jacob Blake shooting that triggered the riots nor remove the state’s need to work toward “equity.” Translation: I’m on your side, rioters: Please don’t riot again.

New York pols also treated the verdict as some kind of injustice, including Mayor de Blasio, who wants to free every criminal in Rikers but called the Rittenhouse decision “disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country.”  

Maybe that’s because the haters stuck to their narrative for months, even as the trial exposed the core facts.

The worst — MSNBC’s Joy Reid, for one — will never let it go. You can see them practically begging for there to be riots, an incredibly irresponsible position for Kenosha and the nation. Let’s hope no one listens to them.

The rank, politicized distortions of fact here — and in so many other recent incidents — should teach everyone once and for all not to trust instant analysis or agenda-driven reporting. When the facts played out via the proper judicial process, common sense and truth prevailed.

May that lesson sink in widely, not least with the man in charge of upholding America’s institutions and leading the nation to unity.

Kyle Rittenhouse reacts as he’s acquitted of all charges. Court TV