US News

Biden back at White House, says ‘I feel great’ after physical, colonoscopy

What did they do to you, Joe?

President Biden was in an exultant mood Friday as he left Walter Reed Medical Center following a lengthy physical that included a colonoscopy, which required him to be sedated and hand over presidential powers to Vice President Kamala Harris for 85 minutes.

The president pumped his fists as he left the hospital just after 2 p.m., more than five hours after he arrived.

President Biden said “I feel great” as he left his annual physical today. REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst

“I had a great physical and a great House of Representatives vote,” Biden told waiting reporters, referring to the earlier passage of his $1.7 trillion social spending plan known as the Build Back Better Act.

After helicoptering back to the White House, the president declined to give details of his intimate exam, telling the press: “We’re going to release all the details.”

President Biden handed over presidential power to VP Harris for a total of 85 minutes. REUTERS
Biden turns 79 this Saturday, making him the oldest president in office. AFP via Getty Images

“I feel great,” Biden said. “Nothing has changed. We’re in good shape. And so, you know, I’m looking forward to celebrating my 58th birthday.” (Biden, the oldest person ever to hold the office of president, turns 79 on Saturday.)

The doctor’s appointment initially wasn’t included on the president’s daily schedule of events, which was released after 8 p.m. Thursday. White House press secretary Jen Psaki acknowledged earlier Friday that the White House Correspondents’ Association, which coordinates the press pool that follows Biden, wasn’t told about the trip to Walter Reed until “very early” in the morning.

Biden returned to the White House just in time for the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon, where he will pardon two turkeys named Peanut Butter and Jelly. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

Psaki also declined to say when the physical or the colonoscopy was scheduled.

Biden returned to the White House just in time for the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon, which will spare two gobblers — named Peanut Butter and Jelly — from getting the ax this year.

When asked by a Post reporter if he intended to pardon people rather than turkeys, the president responded, “You need a pardon?” before heading back to the executive mansion.