Mets giving ‘unbelievably competent’ Billy Eppler a four-year deal

CHICAGO — A news conference to introduce Billy Eppler as the Mets’ next general manager could come as soon as Friday, according to an industry source.

As of Wednesday, Eppler and the Mets, having signed off on a four-year contract (the term first reported by the MLB Network’s Jon Heyman), were near completion of a fully vetted deal as well as a background check.

Mets Billy Eppler
Billy Eppler could be introduced as the Mets’ new general manager as soon as Friday. AP

Eppler met with Steve Cohen last weekend in the New York area and then returned to his Southern California home. The hiring of Eppler would end the Mets’ protracted, highly public search for a full-time head of baseball operations that featured more than its share of rejection.

Eppler ran the Angels as their GM from 2016 through 2020, and before that climbed the ranks with the Yankees, working there from 2004-15.

“I like Billy. Obviously we’ve known Billy for a long time,” Yankees managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner said Wednesday at the Major League Baseball owners meetings. “Unbelievably competent. [He] commands the respect of the players and front office. I think he’s going to do great. Wish him the best of luck.”