
Rare penguin wanders 1900 miles from Antarctica to New Zealand

A rare penguin wandered nearly 2,000 miles from Antarctica to New Zealand, according to a report.

Named “Pingu” by charmed locals, he’s just the third Adélie penguin ever found on New Zealand, the BBC reported. The breed lives only on the Antarctic peninsula — at least 1,864 miles away.

The Adelie penguin was dubbed as “Pingu” by locals in New Zealand. Department of Conservation New Zealand/Handout via REUTERS
The Adelie penguin is estimated to have traveled 1,864 miles away from Antarctica. Department of Conservation New Zealand/Handout via REUTERS
The Adelie penguin looked severely tired when the animal was spotted by Harry Singh. Department of Conservation New Zealand/Handout via REUTERS

Harry Singh was walking with his wife on the beach at Birdlings Flat, south of Christchurch, when he told the BCC they encountered the “exhausted” animal.

Singh called penguin rescuers, who revived Pingu, and plan to release him on a beach free of dogs.