
Couple discovers creepy room inside the mortuary they’re renovating into their family home

A couple are turning a mortuary into a home and even found a creepy hidden room where bodies were embalmed.

Kaycee and Andrew Olague bought the 98-year-old home just over a year ago and have been busy taking out the creepy original features.

The couple have been chronicling their new home, in Tracy, California, in a series of Tik Tok videos.

The videos posted from @thisoldmortuary detail everything from the history of the home, to the unusual features they’ve come across.

Perhaps the weirdest part of their new house is an eerie room in a basement where bodies were embalmed.

The couple uncovered a drain in the floor leading directly to a sewer with hooks.

To add to the creepiness, the room’s ceiling had hooks that would have been used for hanging bodies to be embalmed.

The house has sent shivers down the spine of Tik Tok users with one commenting: “Omg, I hope this doesn’t cause you to start having paranormal activity.”

Another said: “I couldn’t live there, I don’t care how long ago it was, I’d be too scared”.

The couple are originally from San Francisco but found themselves unable to afford a home there.

It was only until they were a few days from completing the sale of the house that they realized it was a former mortuary.

This is the creepy hidden basement where bodies were embalmed.
This is the creepy hidden basement where bodies were embalmed. thisoldmortuary/Tiktok

But despite its unusual past they still decided to go forward with the purchase.

The house they bought comes complete with extra windows in certain parts of it, where a viewing room for relatives to see bodies would have been.

And they think that their dining room is where one of the viewing parlors would have been.

The former funeral home was constructed in 1923 and served as a mortuary for a few years until the business was moved next door.
The former funeral home was constructed in 1923 and served as a mortuary for a few years until the business was moved next door. thisoldmortuary/Tiktok

The former funeral home was constructed in 1923 and served as a mortuary for a few years until the business was moved next door.

The couple believes no cremations took place on this site and there were no refrigerators for bodies.

There was, however, a dumbwaiter in the house that was used to transport bodies.

This story originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission.