NFL’s explanation for controversial Cassius Marsh call draws instant mockery

Add Geoff Schwartz’s name to the growing list of people perplexed by a controversial taunting call on Monday.

Chicago Bears linebacker Cassius Marsh was flagged for looking at the Pittsburgh Steelers’ sideline after a fourth-quarter sack, forcing the NFL released a video explaining the reasoning behind the call. In the clip, it’s explained that Marsh took “several steps” towards the Steelers’ bench, “posturing towards their sideline.”

Schwartz, a former offensive guard for the Giants, took to Twitter on Wednesday to dismantle the league’s explanation.

“Posturing? Haha,” Schwartz tweeted. “He’s standing straight and walking towards the sidelines. He doesn’t even say anything. What are we doing here.”

“Did a single player or person associated with the Steelers even notice Marsh viciously taunting them?” he continued in a separate tweet.

Marsh, whose Bears lost to the Steelers, 29-27, addressed the call post-game, noting he was unaware of the penalty until he headed back to his team’s bench.

“I think that that one was just bad timing,” Marsh said. “I think it was pretty clear to everybody who saw it that I wasn’t taunting. I’ve been doing that celebration my whole career and it’s just sad to see stuff like that happen in a close game like that. It’s just rough, man.”

In addition to the taunting call, Marsh said referee Tony Corrente also made contact with him on the field. Video shows the official appearing to stick his hip out in the player’s direction. Corrente stated the incident did not contribute to his penalty call.

Chicago Bears linebacker Cassius Marsh (59) celebrates a fourth-quarter sack
Cassius Marsh’s fourth-quarter sack against the Steelers earned him a controversial taunting penalty. Getty Images

“First of all, keep in mind that taunting is a point of emphasis this year,” Corrente said. “And with that said, I saw the player, after he made a big play, run toward the bench area of the Pittsburgh Steelers and posture in such a way that I felt he was taunting them.”

Although its been days since the game ended, this appears to be one NFL debate that won’t be ending anytime soon.