Maureen Callahan

Maureen Callahan


Meghan and Harry’s egos keep getting bigger — but it’s all about to pop

As the woke media yet again entertains Harry and Meghan, with journalists and editors allowing themselves to be scolded and told how to do their jobs, a nice little scandal is unfolding back in London.

“Misinformation is a global humanitarian crisis,” Harry said at a Wired panel on Tuesday.

It’s not, but Harry and Meghan, two histrionic personalities given to hyperbole, always go big — along with their hypocrisy, which continues to mushroom like a nuclear cloud.

When, oh when, will it swallow them whole?

Harry went on to say that the British media “creates” news, that the UK media has a vested interest in provoking Meghan’s untimely death, and that he has known from a very young age that “the incentives of publishing are not necessarily aligned with the incentives of truth.”

Truth, he says? So we are to believe, as Harry incredibly claims, that it was he alone who foresaw the January 6 insurrection fomenting on Twitter, that he warned Jack Dorsey the very day before — even though Harry also said he’s not on social media, so how would he know? — and that he hasn’t heard from Dorsey since.

Meghan and Harry’s egos are so big, they’re about to pop. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Seriously, where’s Harry’s thank you? Board seat? Stock options? Won’t someone think of this poor little prince?

Meanwhile, back in London, the Court of Appeal just released a detailed statement from H&M’s former press secretary Jason Knauf, and it’s a doozy.

Prince Harry claims he warned Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Michael Reynolds/Pool Photo via AP, File

Not only, Knauf says, did Harry and Meghan actively participate in their hagiographic book “Finding Freedom” — despite their repeated denials, even in court, that they had anything at all to do with it — they have schemed, strategized and lied to the media when it suits them, playing the victim card all the way.

Harry and Meghan, Knauf said, “authorized specific cooperation [with the book] in writing in December 2018” — even though Knauf warned Harry not to put the authors in touch with Meghan’s friends and that “being able to say hand on heart that we did not facilitate access will be important.”

Yet Knauf emailed Meghan questions directly submitted by the authors, and she replied with “briefing points” for them to address in the book.

“The claimant [Meghan] and her husband did not collaborate with the authors on the book, nor were they interviewed for it,” her lawyer told a UK court in September 2020. Meghan, today: “I apologize to the Court for the fact that I had not remembered these exchanges at the time.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s alleged tell-all book, “Finding Freedom,” was orchestrated to drive a narrative, according to former press secretary Jason Knauf. Dey Street Books

Who forgets cooperating on a book that’s all about score-settling and agenda-setting?

Yet the New York Times hosts Meghan — who still insufferably goes by “the Duchess of Sussex” despite fleeing the mean, racist British royal family — allowing her to prattle on about federalizing paid family leave as, you guessed it, “a humanitarian issue.”

These two, such great humanitarians.

“Given I’ve only ever called him Daddy, it may make sense to open as such despite him being less than paternal. And in the unfortunate event that it leaked, it would pull at the heartstrings.”

This is Meghan in a message to Knauf, talking about the letter she was writing to her estranged father, Thomas, one in which she would beg him to quit talking to the media — even though, as Meghan told Knauf, she was sure her father would leak the letter to the media.

Which was exactly what she wanted.

“She explained to me by text that she had numbered the pages at the top to indicate the length of the letter (1/5, 2/5, etc.),” Knauf said. “She also deliberately ended each page part way through a sentence so that no page could be falsely presented as the end of the letter … She said she had ‘toiled over every detail which could be manipulated.’”

Here, in part, is that simpering, doe-eyed letter:

“Daddy, it is with a heavy heart that I write this … Your actions have broken my heart into a million little pieces — not simply because you have manufactured such unnecessary and unwarranted pain, but by making the choice to not tell the truth as you are puppeteered in this.”

Puppeteered! Meghan writes this with a straight face.

In a bizarre letter, Meghan Markle begged for her father, Thomas, to stop talking to the media. Good Morning Britain/ITV handout via REUTERS

“I have only ever loved, protected and defended you, offering whatever financial support I could” — way to emasculate your father on the world stage — “… and instead of speaking to me to accept this or any help, you stopped answering your phone and chose to only speak to tabloids.”

Talk about gaslighting: Meghan writes her father a letter begging him to stop talking to the media, hoping he will talk to the media!

Then, when all goes according to plan — her father leaking that carefully crafted letter to the Daily Mail — Meghan turns around and sues the paper for invasion of privacy.

Incredibly, Meghan won that case.

But now the Mail is appealing, Knauf is squealing, and things aren’t looking so good for the Duke and Duchess of Victimhood.

“Megxit,” Harry said this week, is a misogynistic portmanteau. Just kidding — he doesn’t know the word “portmanteau.” But “Megxit,” he said, “was created by a troll, amplified by royal correspondents, and it grew and grew and grew into mainstream media.”

I’m pretty sure it was created by a synergistic brain spasm on comment threads and in tabloid newsrooms, but whatever. Meghan herself has loftier goals, cold-calling US senators who have openly expressed confusion and disdain that a C-list actress-turned-royal defector has the temerity — the megalomania — to inject herself into national politics.

Get ready, America: Meghan Markle has her eye on 2024. And you thought Kanye was nuts.