
Malliotakis voted for her constituents on infrastructure bill

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Republican from Staten Island, is an honorable politician who represents the interests of her district. She’s a conservative who has a common-sense approach to the problems facing our city and nation.

In short, she does not deserve the abuse of former President Donald Trump, who bashed Malliotakis and 12 other Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill.

Is the legislation perfect? Of course not. But as Washington spendapaloozas go, it has the chance to do some good, upgrading the subways and buses of New York City and breaking ground on the much-needed new rail tunnel under the Hudson. The bill also swayed 19 Republican senators.

Some commentators believe the infrastructure passage paves the way for the Democrats’ massive, and terrible, $4 trillion social-welfare plan. That’s not necessarily the case. By giving swing-vote Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) a win, it provides cover for them to vote against the monstrosity.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Bx./Queens) voted against the infrastructure bill for just this reason. She thought its passage hurt the progressive cause. We hope it does.

Malliotakis did what AOC would not do — think about the people of New York. Malliotakis didn’t vote for the bill to give Democrats a “win.” She voted for it because it’s good for the city.

If you’re on the opposite side of an issue as AOC, you’re likely doing something right.

Trump’s opposition to the bill is self-centered: He didn’t get an infrastructure bill, so Biden shouldn’t either. But Trump never pursued it, never endorsed a proposal. You’re not a RINO if you voted for this legislation.

Trump needs to focus his ire on the Democrats, and Biden, and not on insulting Republicans who are looking out for their voters.