
Letters to the Editor — Nov. 11, 2021

The Issue: A teen who allegedly shot a 21-year-old man after he was granted probation by a Bronx judge.

The good and decent citizens of this city, who the left apparently has little regard for, have had enough of revolving-door justice (“ ‘The judge let him go; I am not letting go,’ ” Nov. 9)

These clowns on the City Council, as well as Mayor de Blasio, have made it clear that their objective is to make it easier for these thugs with guns to continue their rampages by not having them put in jail after their crimes.

How many more innocent people have to be sacrificed on the altar of “progressive” justice ideals before we demand a return to civilized times?

Where is the sympathy for the victims? The progressives remain silent. What a disgrace.

Saul Mishaan


Please tell me how many more people, both young and old, have to be killed by felons who are set free?

This week, a state senator was asked during a Zoom meeting if there had been any discussion about changing bail reforms so these violent individuals can be kept in jail by the judges, whose hands are tied.

New York’s Assembly and Senate needs to get to work on this sooner rather than later. The next victim could be another parent’s child or an adult.

Kim Cody


How many more tragic and preventable deaths do we have to read about because a bleeding-heart judge, Denis Boyle, refuses to use common sense in dealing with violent criminals?

It’s also sickening to hear his defenders use the restrictions placed on judges by New York’s soft-on-criminals laws as the excuse for his ridiculous decisions.

This moron should be relegated to traffic court instead of allowing him to continue to destroy innocent people’s lives with his feckless decisions.

Robert DiNardo


New York City has to self-examine to realize why murder is at a recent all-time high.

Self-serving, self-absorbed judges and politicians playing the “get out of jail free” card have caused these incidents to flourish in a bad and misguided system. It’s time to be tough on crime, not coddle it.

Mayor-elect Eric Adams and NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea will have to step up to the plate to change the direction of a city in peril.

Doc Ludemann

Bridgeport, Conn.

The Issue: Democrats’ request to Pres. Biden to open the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower gas prices.

President Biden should not be allowed to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve because that supply is there for national emergencies only (“Blame Biden for Soaring Gas Prices,” Editorial, Nov. 10).

Releasing that oil in an effort to reduce gas prices is a stop-gap measure, and when it is depleted, Biden will need to replenish it, which he probably has no intention of doing.

What the Democratic senators should have told Biden is to reverse his punitive energy policies, which have created the current energy crisis.

Biden’s big mistake was to reverse former President Donald Trump’s energy policies. He cut off his nose to spite his face, and the American people are paying the price.

J.J. Crovatto

Ramsey, NJ

In the span of 10 months, the Biden administration took this country from energy independence to begging OPEC to increase oil production in order to keep prices tolerable.

The president’s acquiescence to the hard left in his party is quickly resulting in an economic disaster.

Peter Kelly

Hazlet, NJ

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