
Mercury and Mars conjunction brings agitated energy

From Nov. 10 to Nov. 12, Mercury, planet of expression and communication, and Mars, planet of sex and ambition, will join forces in the intense and intensely powerful sign of Scorpio.

In astrology, the shifting relationships between planets are known as aspects. The five major aspects; trines, sextiles, conjunctions, oppositions and squares are determined by the angles the planets form to one another. A conjunction, like Mars and Mercury are experiencing now,  occurs when two planets are within zero degrees of each other on the zodiac wheel.  

The effect of a conjunction can be either positive or negative, depending upon the combined energy of the planets and the influence of the sign they fall under. With Mars and Mercury in the fixed waters of Scorpio, things are set to get interesting. 

Because Mercury rules thought and Mars governs action, expect increased mental activity and heightened agitation. This energy can be put to good use when fighting for a cause or through any kind of emotional block.

Advice: Get mad at something that matters. 

In Scorpio, messenger Mercury goes underground and undercover, on the lookout for hidden information, potential breakthroughs and transformation through information. When it meets active Mars, we all have the opportunity to take an investigative lens to our fears, desires, relationships and reactions and cull accordingly. 

While Mercury is in sleuth mode in Scorpio, Mars feels empowered and very much at home. When the planet of war gets cozy, possibilities include high octane accusations, the weaponization of words and vivid revenge fantasies. The greatest risk presented by this conjunction lies in believing that feelings are facts that must be acted upon. Resist and overcome by thinking deeply, speaking carefully and acting rationally. 

Good luck out there!


Because you struggle with trust, you have a tendency to test. This conjunction intensifies both your suspicion and your desire to vet. Remember, rams, to feel the full fire of love you’ll have to risk getting burned. 


This conjunction may reveal that those to whom you have given the gift of trust do not deserve it or are unable to reciprocate it. Cut your losses — but don’t water your grudges.


As someone who is often confined to the maze of the mind, Geminis will find the powerful conjunction of Mercury and Mars offers the opportunity to channel lofty thoughts into strategic action.


Don’t go fights or scabs during this transit, moon children. You can channel the powers of action and communication into healing and forgiving, rather than inciting or exhuming. 


You love hard and sometimes that equates to heavy loss, Leo. Remember that if someone cannot match you in talking feels and taking steps, you are better served by backing off. 


Rather than obsessing over how you’ve been done wrong and how the bastards got away with it, start imagining — and carefully manifesting — the right partnerships for you. 


Harness the bareknuckle power of this conjunction to truly discern and clearly express what you want and what you can no longer abide. Know thyself and build boundaries accordingly. 


Allow action to follow thought — not the other way around — during this transit, Scorpio. Think it through and allow for the possibility that you have yet to uncover all the information.


You are a born optimist Sagittarius and sometimes that sunny-side-up perspective makes it difficult for you to see the flaws and pitfalls in a burgeoning relationship. A potential match need not be perfect but they should be clearly seen. 



Action without thought is foolhardy, but progress without passion is destined to fail. It is not enough to move on, Capricorn; you must move toward what moves you.


Feelings are scary water bearers but not nearly as dangerous as pretending they don’t exist. With communication and action on your side during this transit, let your mantra be “Express, don’t repress!”


You make for a great mate, Pisces. An ex or two might be haunted by the memory of your sweetness, so much so that they take to haunting you. Accept apologies but banish attempts to resuscitate relationships. 

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.