
Hobnobbing with the rich and famous, maskless, is the new face of the Democratic Party

Oops, she did it again: Over the weekend, Speaker Nancy Pelosi officiated the wedding ceremony of billionaire oil heiress Ivy Getty and then attended the incredibly luxe celebration . . . all sans mask.

Vogue on Tuesday published pics of Pelosi, the mask-pushing queen, mingling with other mask-less guests, and social media rightly erupted.

“Why is Nancy Pelosi allowed to attend a lavish billionaire’s wedding in California without a mask while our school children are forced to mask up? Is it only the servant class who is forced to wear masks?” asked one tweet.

Many Cali schoolkids, another noted, must even mask outside during recess.

Yes, it was a vaxxed-only event, so guests didn’t really need to mask. But everyone had to when Pelosi entered City Hall to perform the ceremony.

Pelosi is a repeat offender; this summer she mingled maskless with fat-cat donors in Napa Valley. And don’t forget her infamous salon visit at the height of San Francisco’s lockdown.

Pelosi’s penchant for hobnobbing with the super-rich in defiance of the rules for regular folks puts the lie to Democrats’ claim to be the party of the people.