US News

Biden to sign ‘urgent’ $1.2T infrastructure bill week later … on Monday

President Biden will finally sign the long-awaited bipartisan infrastructure bill on Monday, the White House announced, after it has spent a week on his desk since being passed.

Biden — who insisted there was no time to waste while infrastructure negotiations dragged on but then let the bill languish while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress attended the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland this week — will host the delayed signing of the $1.2 trillion bill when Congress is back in session on Nov. 15.

Congressional members who helped the president pen the bipartisan-supported bill will be present, as well as a “diverse group of leaders” including governors and mayors across the country on both sides of the aisle, the White House said.

According to the White House, the president plans to reiterate how investments in infrastructure will help to act against inflationary pressures in relation to easing supply chain bottlenecks.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework was approved 228-206 late Friday night after 13 GOP members helped weigh the vote to pass legislation as progressive members of the Democratic Party decided not to vote for the bill without passage of the larger $1.75 trillion social spending measure.

That measure is expected to be taken up this week after a Congressional Budget Office review of the costs and how they are paid for.