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Oklahoma gov blasts school district over firing of maskless teachers

Republican Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt ripped Oklahoma City’s public school system Friday over the firing of six teachers who refused to follow masking policies, calling it a “preposterous” move at a time when educators are in high demand.

Stitt expressed his disbelief in a video posted to Twitter, claiming the school district’s “illegal” order should not take precedent over the teachers’ jobs.

“Oklahoma City public school district had the audacity to fire six talented teachers,” he said. “They were fired because they wouldn’t follow an illegal mask mandate issued by their superintendent. This is preposterous, especially in a time when talented teachers are needed more than ever.”

According to Fox News, six Oklahoma City Public Schools teachers were placed on administrative leave on Aug. 17, then terminated by the school board in a unanimous vote last week.

As of Aug. 13, OKCPS requires face masks to be worn on school property, in school vehicles and during school events, according to KFOR. Superintendent Dr. Sean McDaniel also offered a $1,000 stipend for any employee who showed proof of vaccination before Nov. 15.

“This is about a school district not following state law,” claimed Stitt, who signed a bill in May prohibiting school boards from enacting mask mandates. “This isn’t a debate about masks. These teachers even said they’d be willing to come back to class and wear a mask, but the superintendent wanted to fire them to make a point.

“These are the types of misguided decisions that are leaving many parents across the country so frustrated with their local schools,” he added. “Oklahomans believe in common sense, not political pandering and bureaucratic overreach.”

“I hope that Sean McDaniel can look the teachers that he fired in the eye and say that he wears a mask everywhere he goes,” Stitt said. “It’s not too late to fix this. Sean McDaniel should bring these teachers back to the classroom as soon as possible.”

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt claims the school districts are not following state law. AP

Oklahoma City students were given the opportunity to opt out of McDaniel’s mandate for medical and religious reasons and Stitt argued the teachers deserve the same rights. The governor concluded his message by calling on other school districts in the state to hire the fired teachers if OKCPS would not bring them back in the classroom.

The fired teachers have filed a lawsuit against McDaniel and OKCPS. The district declined Fox News’ request for comment Monday since the incident involves ongoing litigation.