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‘Offensive’ Yale speaker claims FBI inflates anti-Semitic hate crimes

Yale University is under fire from its own law students after a bizarre lecture about anti-Semitism from a self-described “kinky … sexuality educator.”

Ericka Hart was invited to speak to the Yale Law Journal about anti-Semitism in September, but instead, her talk drifted off into topics like “pretty privilege,” and “fatphobia.”

Hart, who describes herself as a “kinky, poly, cancer-warrior, activist and sexuality educator,” also claimed anti-Semitism is a form of “anti-blackness,” according to a scathing memo signed by 33 journal editors, The Washington Free Beacon reported.

“I consider myself very liberal” one attendee claimed, but Hart’s talk was “almost like a conservative parody of what antiracism trainings are like.” 

According to the letter, Hart also claimed that the FBI artificially inflates hate crimes against Jewish people.

Ericka Hart
During her talk, Hart said that anti-Semitism is a form of “anti-blackness.” Instagram
Yale University
82 percent of attendees said they would not invite Hart back to the school. Moment Editorial/Getty Images

Her presentation was nearly universally panned by attendees, the Beacon reported, with a majority rating it a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 and 82 percent saying they would not invite Hart back to the school.

The memo described her dismissal of anti-Semitism as “shocking,” “offensive” and “upsetting.”

“Ericka is shifting ingrained cultural modes and attitudes on chronic illness and posits visibility as vital to any radically inclusive movement toward equity,” she claims on her website.