
Gnarled ‘troll feet’ exposed in latest airline etiquette breach

It was a pedi crime.

A passenger was left shocked and revulsed after the traveler behind them allegedly stuck their hideous “troll” toes underneath their seat during an unspecified flight. The photo of the footy flightmare has up racked up 2,600 comments since it was posted last month.

In the nausea-inducing photo, captioned “the joys of international travel,” a stranger’s bare feet can be seen protruding in between the photographer’s own like a disgusting game of in-flight footsie. If that wasn’t bad enough, the toes themselves are gnarled and misshapen with cracked, dirty nails.

Suffice it to say, Redditors were quick to hold the inconsiderate traveler’s toes to the fire.

“Those feet throwing some gang signs,” quipped one critic of the terrible tootsies. Another wrote, “it looks like a 4 year old glued the toes onto the rest of the feet.”

Other foot-related infractions have seen passengers rest their bare feet on someone else's armrest.
Other foot-related infractions have seen passengers rest their bare feet on someone else’s armrest. Getty Images/EyeEm

“Are those feet from the troll that lives under the seat?!” joked another detractor, to which a commenter replied, “No, that’s the Wicked Witch of the Southwest.”

One armchair travel expert even suggested that the camera person should’ve “stomped” on the tootsie troll’s toes.

This isn’t the first pedi crime to occur on a flight. Past infractions have included everything from passengers propping their dirty feet on the headrest in front of them to using their naked kickers to scroll through the in-flight touch screen.