
‘Just do it’: NYC’s first vaxxed 5 to 11 year olds urge other kids to get jabbed

Seven children of doctors were among the first 5- to 11-year-olds in New York City to get vaccinated against COVID-19 Thursday — with one precocious little girl urging fellow kids to “Just do it.”

Maya Schneider, a 10-year-old from Long Island, bravely rolled up her sleeve for a Pfizer jab at Cohen Children’s Medical Center during a press event put on by Northwell Health.

Asked what she plans to tell her friends about getting the shot, she said it was worth it.

“I’m gonna tell them, ‘Just do it’ because you can spend time with people now, you can travel with your family,” she said gesturing toward her dad, Dr. James Schneider, chief of pediatric critical care at Cohen Children’s.

“I can hug him now without thinking I’m going to get sick. And now we can have a much more relaxed Thanksgiving with grandpa,” she said.

Eight kids in all got the COVID-19 vaccine during the event at Cohen Children’s Medical Center. Brigitte Stelzer
Dr. Jeff Gossett with his daughter Nora Gossett as she gets the COVID-19 vaccine. Brigitte Stelzer

The event, where a total of eight kids ages 7 to 10 received the Pfizer shots, was put on by Northwell Health to prove local pediatricians “talk the talk and walk the walk” when it comes to recommending vaccinations for the age group, according to a press release.

But not every kid was thrilled to face the needle.

“I’m not really worried, I just don’t like shots,” said Nora Gossett, 7, the daughter of Dr. Jeff Gossett, vice president of pediatric cardiology at the hospital.

To help her get past her fears, she said her dad had bribed her with a new toy.

Maya Schneider was among the children who got the Pfizer jab. Brigitte Stelzer

“She is getting a trip to the gift shop, aren’t you Nora? After?” Gossett said.

Thursday marked the first day kids ages 5 to 11 can receive the vaccine in all New York City’s five boroughs following CDC approval Tuesday.