
Biden is either lying, was never told or forgot about $450K migrant payouts

President Joe Biden “may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department,” the ACLU said, after Clueless Joe angrily called a report that Justice would give $450,000-per-person payoffs to illegal immigrant families separated at the border “garbage.”

And that’s the Biden administration in a nutshell, isn’t it? We’ve got:

  • A terrible policy.
  • Biden not knowing what the hell is going on.
  • The president insulting the press, in this case both the Wall Street Journal, which revealed the payoffs, and Fox News’ Peter Doocy, who had the temerity to ask about it.

We have no doubt the Journal’s reporting is correct. A shakedown by the ACLU and solving everything with a big check is directly from the liberal playbook. And it will, as Doocy notes, encourage even more migrants to illegally cross the border — something neither the ACLU nor the administration thinks is a bad thing.

President Joe Biden angrily called a report that Justice would give $450,000-per-person payoffs to illegal immigrant families separated at the border "garbage."
President Biden angrily called a report that Justice would give $450,000-per-person payoffs to illegal immigrant families separated at the border “garbage.” MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

So either: 1) Biden is unaware of the deal and the progressives that dictate all policy through Chief of Staff Rob Klain are doing it on their own. 2) Biden is lying. 3) Biden was told and forgot.

All of these scenarios seem plausible; none inspire confidence in this president. Scary, huh?