Maureen Callahan

Maureen Callahan


Alec Baldwin and not-Spanish wife’s sickening act for sympathy

How you say in English … Just shut up and go away?

After parading around Vermont all weekend, staging a bizarre, impromptu roadside press conference and then posting happy-family Halloween portraits on Instagram, Alec Baldwin and his insufferable fraud of a wife eee-LAR-ia have lost any public sympathy they once had.

Boom. Gone. All in about a week.

“Parenting through this has been an intense experience, to say the least,” Hilaria posted on Halloween night.

Really? Hilaria may want to talk to Halyna Hutchins’ widower about what it’s been like parenting their young son “through this intense experience,” his mother shot to death on a movie set.

But no: Feel sorry for the Baldwins, won’t you?

“Halloween,” she wrote. “From the Baldwinitos.”

This is really sick, on so many levels. Those kids still aren’t Spanish, yet Hillary from Boston keeps pushing that lie. Nor can she stay off Instagram, no matter how bad it makes her and her husband look — to say nothing of the legal and financial jeopardy her husband is in, a husband who may find it exceptionally hard to ever get insured on a film set again. You know, get work and make money.

The last photo of Halyna Hutchins on the set of “Rust” taken by Serge Svetnoy before she was killed by a live round from a prop gun. Facebook

But no, the Rachel Dolezal of the Hamptons is back at it, asking for public sympathy with a soupçon of envy: Her husband may have accidentally killed a young wife and mother, but hey, covet their cozy autumnal New England lifestyle, won’t you?

Hutchins was buried on Friday. Her son, Andros, is only 9 years old. The UK Sun reported that the child was unable to speak for two days after his mother’s death. “Andros was incredibly close to his mother,” Halyna’s father told the Sun. “This tragedy has wrecked a beautiful, perfect family. Everyone who knows them is destroyed by sorrow.”

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin get coffee at Dina’s Bakery Cafe following the death of a crew member on his new film “Rust.” David McGlynn
Alec Baldwin being comforted by his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, while taking refuge in Manchester. MEGA

Can you imagine what kind of Halloween this little boy had? What agony the coming holidays will be for him and his father?

Yet the Baldwins, in all their malignant narcissism, would have us keep our eyes on their particular freak show, one rife with bad acting, ill-advised activity and Alec’s strange aura of imperviousness.

You get the sense that Baldwin’s pretty sure he won’t be criminally charged and that all this overacting — how many photos were taken of Alec this weekend with his head in his hands after he was caught shopping at Ralph Lauren, or going on a coffee run, or sitting at a bar in Vermont, in a restaurant he and Hilaria bought out, right in front of a large window so the paparazzi could get their unobstructed shots? — is just to stave off a civil lawsuit.

Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed by a live round when Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun while rehearsing for a scene. SWEN STUDIOS/Handout via REUTERS

Going by public outrage over these antics, I know I’m not alone in hoping Hutchins’ husband goes after Baldwin for everything he’s got.

Consider Alec’s roadside interview two days ago, in which he was sure to stress that Hutchins was “my friend” and that this was “a very, very well-oiled crew” who couldn’t have foreseen this “one in a trillion” tragedy — all while Hilaria weirdly kept inserting herself into this interview, seeking the camera frame while glowering self-righteously at the press, her husband admonishing her in clipped, haughty tones to back off and stay out of it.

Then Baldwin went right back to turning on the charm and sadness and reflexive Hollywood hypocrisy.

Hilaria and Alec Baldwin dine in Manchester following the death of Halyna Hutchins. MEGA

“I do know that an ongoing effort to limit the use of firearms on film sets is something I’m extremely interested in,” he declared, as if he were campaigning for office and not the subject of an active investigation. “I’m not an expert in this field.”

Hey, by the way, Alec — doesn’t matter. As experts in on-set firearms safety told The Post last week, the buck stops with Baldwin. As producer, he was responsible for safety on set.

With each passing day, we learn more about the utter incompetence and recklessness that seemed endemic to this production — three accidental gun discharges, a crew member shot in the foot, live ammunition on set, union crew walking off over safety concerns the very morning Hutchins was shot, an inexperienced young armorer who had no idea what she was doing, an assistant director with various complaints about his inability to keep sets safe — really, how could this not have happened?

Again, as firearms expert Steve Wolf told The Post last week: “If that scene required [Baldwin] to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger, I’m sure he would have taken a look inside the gun. Wouldn’t you?”

Less than two weeks later, we’re watching Baldwin destroy what’s left of his career and reputation in the public square, aided and abetted by his equally terrible wife. Couldn’t happen to two more deserving people.