
China’s refusal to work with outside investigators is fresh proof of its guilt in COVID’s origins

China is blocking yet another World Health Organization investigation into COVID-19’s origins, more evidence that Beijing played some role in the origins of a pandemic that’s killed 4.5 million.

Of course, China’s leaders have been lying from the start, sometimes with WHO’s connivance.

WHO scientists have sought access to bat caves and wildlife areas in China’s Enshi prefecture in Hubei province, six hours west of Wuhan — in search of samples that could identify animals that served as intermediate hosts for the virus to spread from bats to humans.

This would be evidence for the “evolved naturally” hypothesis, which would absolve China of most blame for the plague. Beijing clearly fears (or knows?) that the WHO researchers would find nothing, and thus bolster the “lab leak” theory.

Fears — or knows: China’s government also won’t say if it ever itself tested Enshi bats or farm-raised wild animals for the virus.

The Chinese Communist Party is still pretending that the pandemic originated elsewhere, making it to Wuhan via packaged food from overseas or somesuch nonsense.

Beijing’s behavior suggests it now knows the bug actually leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology after being engineered to infect humans.

Definitive proof of either theory may never come, but it’s obvious which one the CCP at least thinks is correct.