
Letters to the Editor — Oct. 1, 2021

The Issue: The Democrats’ $3.5 trillion ”Build Back Better” bill making its way through Congress.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the left want to pass massive, costly so-called infrastructure bills, regardless of the harm it will cause the taxpayer (“Debt bomb,” Sept. 28).

Their unconscionable waste of money is illustrated by their proposal to continue paying unemployment benefits, even though companies are starving for workers.

They apparently ignore all the “Help wanted” signs and the difficulty businesses have getting employees when the government is effectively paying people to stay home. It’s time for voters to wake up already.

Niles Welikson

Williston Park

The Democrats’ spending proposal of $3.5 trillion reminds me of the schmuck who gets a pre-approved credit card in the mail and runs down to the Walmart and loads up the basket, as if the bill is never going to show up in the mailbox.

And just like the guy who moves when the bill collectors show up, the Biden administration should be moved out of the White House by the time we have to pay up.

The only ones who will see “no cost” for this bill are the recipients of the benefits.

Bo Madden

Jupiter, Fla.

The Democrats need to preface each mention of the trillions of dollars needed for infrastructure with a reminder that almost $8 trillion was added to our national debt during the Trump administration.

While increasing the national debt, Trump and his supporters in Congress made it impossible to ever repay it by granting tax relief to the giants among us who never needed any assistance.

The Democrats need to emphasize that the trillions requested do not disappear. The money will provide hundreds of thousands of much-needed jobs.

The Republican opposition to the infrastructure bills speaks volumes to their ignorance of basic economics. Every job created also creates a new taxpayer and a healthier consumer.

These programs will clearly improve the economy by permitting our workers to put more money in circulation.

Irving A. Gelb

North Bergen, NJ

There are a couple people left in the Democratic Party who have some common sense and are against socialist welfare goodies that will bankrupt America and torture our youth, who will pay for them.

The party is desperate to give the president a win, telling Americans that the plan’s paid for. Inflation — higher prices for gas, goods and services — tax increases and trillions in debt for our youth is not a win for the American people, as they parrot every day.

The freight always falls on the middle class, not the 1 percent. Free-market capitalism “builds back better,” as the economy always shows.

JR Cummings


I don’t understand the chastising of this administration with regard to raising the debt ceiling when three suspensions were approved during the previous administration and the debt rose by almost $8 trillion under Trump’s watch.

The Republicans are hell-bent on keeping us a divided nation. They obviously feel threatened by President Biden’s successes.

D. Gold


We now see the Democrats attempting to protect their credibility and avoid economic calamity through this reconciliation bill.

Biden has a fixation with accumulating “infrastructure” expenses, and the Democrats are desperately trying to salvage Biden’s agenda.

The progressives’ impulse spending makes moderate Democrats and RINOs look like they’re saving up for a college fund. Joseph D’Andrea


Contrary to the Biden administration’s bogus claim that its “Build Back Better” agenda will cost us nothing, it will turbocharge inflation, kill economic productivity and saddle future generations with the weight of insurmountable debt.

The radical Democrats are chomping at the bit to upend American capitalism.

James Hyland


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