College Football

Reporter says she was ‘violated’ by fans during Georgia-Clemson game: ‘Don’t touch me!’

A female sports reporter said she was “violated” by fans while filming a television spot during the Clemson-Georgia showdown Saturday.

Lyndsey Gough, the sports director of WTOC 11 in Georgia, posted a video of several fans running into her shot, yelling and allegedly touching her and her equipment as she stood with a microphone in the concourse of Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, N.C.

“Please don’t touch me,” she told one male fan.

Gough later tweeted: “After the first guy touched me I started rolling… this isn’t even all of it. So uncomfortable. Can we please respect people’s space”

Toward the end of the video, Gough moved off to the side and said, “I’ve got to move.”

Georgia won the game, 10-3.