
Meghan McCain blasts Biden over Afghanistan speech: ‘I do not recognize this man’

Meghan McCain blasted President Biden’s speech on the completion of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan Tuesday, at one point tweeting, “I do not recognize this man.”

The former co-host of “The View” and daughter of the late Sen. John McCain — a longtime Capitol Hill colleague of Biden — took issue with the president’s contention in his speech that the evacuation of Americans and Afghan allies had gone as smoothly as possible.

“Some say we should have started mass evacuations sooner and [ask] ‘Couldn’t this have be done — have been done in a more orderly manner?’ I respectfully disagree,” Biden said. “Imagine if we had begun evacuations in June or July, bringing in thousands of American troops and evacuating more than 120,000 people in the middle of a civil war. There still would have been a rush to the airport, a breakdown in confidence and control of the government, and it still would have been a very difficult and dangerous mission.”

Meghan McCain blasted President Biden over his speech on the completion of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.© Michael Brochstein/ZUMA Wire

That drew McCain’s ire.

President Joe Biden speaks about the end of the war in Afghanistan from the State Dining Room of the White House, Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021
President Biden speaks about the end of the war in Afghanistan on Aug. 31, 2021. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

[Thirteen] American soldiers are dead – most of them between the ages of 20-23 because they were put in harms [sic] way chaotically in the line of fire of a suicide bomber,” she tweeted. “Disappointed and disgusted President Biden says ‘this couldn’t have been done in a more orderly manner’.”

Five minutes later, McCain tore into Biden again, writing: “This is extremely difficult for me to say: I once thought I truly knew Joe Biden and he helped me through pain and grief, for which I am grateful.

“This man on tv giving this speech, I do not recognize this man,” she added. “God help our country. God help the Americans we have abandoned.”

In a third tweet, McCain asked whether Biden administration officials believed they represented a “return to normalcy.”

“[T]his is just as chaotic as Trump, just in a different way,” she said. “Americans and our country and most importantly our military will not be able to withstand four years of this.”

The close friendship between John McCain and Biden was a decades-long fact of life in Washington. Biden was one of the pallbearers at McCain’s funeral in 2018, and Cindy McCain — John’s widow and Meghan’s mother — endorsed Biden for president last year.

“My husband John lived by a code: country first,” Cindy McCain tweeted last September in announcing her endorsement. “We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost. There’s only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is @JoeBiden.”

Though Meghan McCain — a regular critic of former President Donald Trump — expressed relief at Biden’s victory in the presidential election, her husband, Ben Domenech, has claimed that his wife did not actually pull the lever for Biden last November.

“My wife didn’t vote for Joe Biden,” The Federalist publisher sniped at a Twitter user who suggested McCain had done so, “and I don’t communicate with her via tweets.”