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Witness says R. Kelly made her dress like a Girl Scout during sex

The first witness at the sex trial of R. Kelly testified Thursday that the former pop star made her dress like a Girl Scout and filmed them having sex when she was 16.

“He wanted me to put my hair up in pigtails and dress like a Girl Scout,” Jerhonda Pace, who is now 28, said on the stand in Brooklyn federal court.

At one point during her testimony Pace, who is pregnant, broke down in tears on the witness stand and asked for a 15-minute break after recounting her final, violent encounter with Kelly. 

Kelly, whose real name is Robert Sylvester Kelly, was 42 at the time.

Pace’s bombshell revelation came on her second day on the witness stand in Kelly’s trial on nine counts of racketeering and violations of the federal Mann Act.

She said she met the “I Believe I Can Fly” crooner in Chicago when she was just 14, and had the bizarre sexual encounter with him more than a year later — with the singer setting up a tripod and shooting video of the incident, Pace said.

On Wednesday, she testified that she told Kelly her age before the encounter — but said the singer told people she was 19 and told them to act like she was 21.

R. Kelly's attorneys Nicole Becker, right, and Thomas Farinella, center, arrive to Brooklyn Federal court during the R&B star's trial, in
R. Kelly’s attorneys Nicole Becker (from right) and Thomas Farinella arrive at Brooklyn federal court ahead of the R&B star’s trial. AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Pace said Kelly, 54, performed oral sex on the then-teen, and she told him she “felt it wasn’t right” and told him she was only 16, even presenting ID.

She said Kelly brushed it off and told her he would “train” her.

“He bent me over the back of his sofa and he took my virginity,” Pace testified.

In the morning, an employee gave her $50 and drove her to a train station.

Pace said she visited Kelly’s mansion several times over the next six months and was forced to follow “the rules” — including a requirement that she call him “Daddy” and denying her food or use of the bathroom. 

She said Kelly also gave her herpes. 

Kelly’s former doctor, Kris McGrath, testified Thursday that he performed a herpes culture test and it came back inconclusive — although he still urged the fallen pop star to practice safe sex.

“I should not put it in raw,” he said Kelly replied. “I should put a hood on it.” 

Pace said that during her last encounter in January 2010, Kelly became furious, spitting in her face, slapping her and choking her until she passed out, she testified.

She recounted the horrific incident through tears in court Thursday, reading from a journal she kept at the time on the advice of a lawyer.

defendant R. Kelly, top left, listens as Jerhonda Pace, far left, testifies against the R&B star during the singer's sex abuse trial,
Jerhonda Pace said she met the “I Believe I Can Fly” crooner in Chicago when she was just 14. Elizabeth Williams via AP

“I went to Rob’s house and he called me a bitch,” Pace said. “He said I was a silly bitch. He slapped me three times and said if I lied to him again it’s not going to be an open hand next time.

“He spit in my face and mouth,” she said. “He choked me during an argument. I had sex with him. I had oral sex with him. I went home and confessed.”

Pace said Kelly ejaculated on her face. She said she used her Aeropostale T-shirt to wipe off the semen.

Pace kept the shirt and never had it cleaned — although it is unclear if prosecutors were able to link it to Kelly through DNA testing.

In court Thursday, defense lawyer Deveraux Cannick tried to poke holes in Pace’s testimony — only to botch the math.

Cannick accused Pace of lying about her age, noting she said she was 14 on April 1, 2008, when she met Kelly, and was 16 during the alleged assault in May 2009.

“So you advanced two years in one year, in one month?” Cannick grilled her.

“That’s correct,” Pace answered.

That’s because Pace’s birthday is April 19, so she did turn 16 the month before the alleged incident at the singer’s mansion.

Kelly faces 10 years to life in prison if convicted.