
T-Mobile probes data breach that reportedly affects nearly all US customers

T-Mobile is investigating claims of a massive data breach that reportedly may impact more than 100 million people, or nearly all of its US customers, according to a report.

Claims of the massive breach were first discovered on an unnamed underground online forum, according to Vice News.

Vice said the data breach includes social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses, drivers license information and unique 15-digit numbers identifying customers mobile phones, also known as IMEI numbers.

“We are aware of claims made in an underground forum and have been actively investigating their validity. We do not have any additional information to share at this time,” a T-Mobile spokeswoman told The Post on Monday.

Vice said the forum doesn’t mention T-Mobile, but that the hacker who posted the information told the news outlet that they have obtained the data of over 100 million customers from T-Mobile servers.

Company headquarters T Mobile, logo, Prague Czech Republic
The data breach reportedly impacts 100 million T-Mobile customers, according to a report from Vice News. Alamy Stock Photo

In the online forum, the hacker is reportedly asking for 6 bitcoin, or around $270,000, in exchange for a subset of the data containing 30 million social security numbers and driver licenses. The seller said they are privately selling the rest of the data at the moment.