US News

Videos show mass panic at Kabul airport amid Taliban assault

Video reportedly shows the chaotic scene at the Kabul Airport, late Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021
Mobs caused a chaotic scene at the Kabul Airport. Twitter

New videos show panicked mobs swarming Kabul International Airport Sunday, as hundreds try frantically to flee the besieged Afghan capital as Taliban forces move in.

Thousands of people can be seen on the tarmac at the airport as more crowd inside the terminal — part of a desperate exodus after the extremist Islamic militants took over the city, according to footage posted on Twitter by Saad Mohseni of MOBY Group, Afghanistan’s largest media outlet.

“Another Saigon moment,” Mohseni wrote. “Chaotic scenes at Kabul International Airport. No security. None.”

“There are two thousand individuals plus (suitcases and all) on the tarmac not allowing flights to take off,” Mohseni wrote in another tweet. “This is a catastrophe.”

Another video shows bickering among passengers inside an Istanbul-bound KamAir flight at the airport — which Mohseni said was forwarded by a friend.

Afghanistan was thrown into turmoil Sunday as Taliban forces seized the capital following the withdrawal of US troops for the first time since 2001.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country earlier in the day, opening the door for Taliban troops to take over the presidential palace and government offices.

The majority of US embassy staffers were transported to the Kabul airport earlier.