
NY Assembly formally tells Cuomo that it’s preparing impeachment articles

The state Assembly put Gov. Andrew Cuomo on notice Thursday that it is preparing to draft articles of impeachment as it nears completion of its probe of the embattled three-term Democrat chief executive.

The release put out by Assembly Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) — the chief impeachment prober — comes two days after a withering report by state Attorney General Letitia James found that Cuomo used his office to sexually harass female underlings half his age and broke state and federal laws.

Lavine put out a letter sent to Cuomo’s counsel by lawyers the Assembly hired to conduct the impeachment investigation — Davis Polk & Wardwell — announcing it is “nearing completion” and that they will soon consider drafting articles of impeachment.

The letter asks if the governor wants to provide any additional statements or evidence before impeachment proceedings begin.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing an ongoing impeachment investigation. AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

“We write to inform you that the Committee’s investigation is nearing completion and the Assembly will soon consider potential articles of impeachment against your client,” the letter says.

“Accordingly, we invite you to provide any additional evidence or written submissions that you would like the Committee to consider before its work concludes. To the extent that you wish to share any such materials with the Committee, please do so by no later than 5:00 pm on August 13, 2021.”

Cuomo also is facing probes by the FBI and the Brooklyn US Attorney’s Office, sparked by The Post’s revelation that Cuomo right-hand Melissa DeRosa privately admitted that his administration covered up the total number of nursing home residents killed by the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Attorney General James has an ongoing probe into Cuomo’s COVID book deal.

New York State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie says Andrew Cuomo can no longer remain in office. AP Photo/Hans Pennink, File

Lavine’s release said Cuomo’s office has not fully cooperated with the Assembly judiciary panel probe — up till now.

“Counsel for the Committee have previously requested that the Governor produce relevant documents in his possession. A subpoena was subsequently issued for such material. The Committee continues to expect full compliance from the Governor.

The Assembly Judiciary Committee is meeting Monday morning and the writing is on the wall that the committee is all but certain to recommend Cuomo impeachment — and the Assembly has the votes to impeach — should the governor refuse to resign.

The Post reported Wednesday that articles of impeachment could be drafted by the end of August after the panel completed its report.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James also has an ongoing probe into Andrew Cuomo’s COVID book deal. AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey

The Assembly probe will review the findings of the attorney general’s sexual harassment investigation of Cuomo before issuing its final report. The Assembly’s lawyers have also interviewed some of the same Cuomo accusers and other witnesses, a source familiar with the investigation said.

The Assembly investigators have also gathered information about accusations that Cuomo covered up the true total of coronavirus deaths of nursing homes during the peak of the pandemic, whether he used staffers and other government resources to prepare his $5.1 leadership memoir on his COVID leadership as well as claims that safety issues were covered up at the Mario Cuomo Bridge.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) telegraphed on Tuesday that Cuomo’s days are numbered after expressing disgust and outrage over the governor’s pervy and abusive behavior outlined in the AG’s report. Cuomo has disputed some of the report’s findings.

Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi responded, “The Assembly has said it is doing a full and thorough review of the complaints and has offered the Governor and his team an opportunity to present facts and their perspective. The Governor appreciates the opportunity. We will be cooperating.”