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Sarah Palin teases 2022 Senate run in Alaska

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she may yet jump back into politics, teasing the possibility of a Senate run in 2022 against incumbent Lisa Murkowski.

“If God wants me to do it I will,” Palin told an enthusiastic audience during a discussion last week with New Apostolic Reformation leader Ché Ahn, Right Wing Watch reported.

“I would say you guys better be there for me this time, because a lot of people were not there for me last time,” she added, chiding the conservative Christian audience for what she said was their insufficient support during her 2008 vice presidential campaign with Sen. John McCain.

During the run, Palin was ruthlessly mocked as an outside-the-beltway lightweight who didn’t have the clout to potentially step into the top job. A withering “Saturday Night Live” portrayal by Tina Fey follows her to this day.

Palin said she was keeping an eye on the race, noting dismissively that there was already a “female Republican” who had jumped into the contest but that Palin had “never heard of her.”

That Republican, Alaska Department of Administration commissioner Kelly Tshibaka, has already been endorsed by former President Trump, who is keen to knock off the Alaska Senator over her vote to convict him on charges of “inciting an insurrection” in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot.

Palin would be competing for the nomination with Alaska Department of Administration commissioner Kelly Tshibaka who has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump.
Palin would be competing for the nomination with Alaska Department of Administration commissioner Kelly Tshibaka who has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump. AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

In her remarks, Palin also defended her decision to resign as governor of the state back in 2009.

“There’s a difference between quitting and saying enough is enough,” she said, complaining about a stream of ethics probes and FOIA requests initiated by the Obama administration and outside liberal groups.

“I knew that if I handed the reins … to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, he would continue for that last year, that fiscally and socially conservative agenda that I was elected upon.”