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This is bananas! Monkey gangs return to terrorize Thailand streets

This is some serious monkey business.

Hordes of angry, hungry, and pugnacious monkeys are once again causing problems in Thailand as they battle for food.

In March of last year, hundreds of macaques from two well-known rival monkey gangs were filmed swarming the streets of Lopburi then savagely battling each other for a single banana… and the fight has once again taken to the Lopburi streets.

The primate syndicates, who used to being fed by tourists, held another huge rumble this week after the domestic travel ban slowed tourism and caused another food shortage.

The latest brawl took place in front of a Buddhist temple — between an organization of monkeys from the temple and another gang that normally hangs around the cinema. The melee got so bad it held up traffic for several minutes until one group crumbled and was chased away by the winning monkeys.

A sign warns visitors of wild monkeys roaming around Lopburi, Thailand. AFP via Getty Images
A group of monkeys invades a shop near Prang Sam Yod temple in Lopburi, Thailand on March 17, 2020. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun
A group of long tailed macaques walk through the streets of Lopburi, Thailand on June 20, 2020. AFP via Getty Images
Monkey brawls are now causing traffic on roads. AFP via Getty Images

“I was in a building near the temple when I heard the monkeys squealing,” Khun Itiphat, who witnessed the fight, told Metro. “There were so many of them all stood together. I could see they were having an argument. Then they all ran onto the road and began wrestling.”

Local officials have tried to control the out-of-control primate population with mass sterilization programs, but the greedy gangs still run amok.