
Letters to the Editor — Aug. 1, 2021

Protecting Soho
Mayor de Blasio’s development proposal threatens to fundamentally disrupt the character of Soho, Noho and Chinatown (“Board in Soho no-go,” July 28).

Walking the streets of these neighborhoods is one of the great joys of living in this city. Their inspiring architecture recalls the city’s rich history, and their diverse populations reflect the essence of the American-immigrant experience and captures the ideal form of what urban life should be.

The city must reject this plan and protect these neighborhoods for all current and future generations of New Yorkers.

Jeff Prant

Biden’s real unity
In Michael Goodwin’s column, he points out the many times that President Biden mentioned, in his inaugural speech, unity and bringing our nation together (“Unity vow ‘left’ behind,” July 25).

He then goes on to cite the many instances where this unity theory was thrown to the wolves by the actions of Biden and his cohort of left-wing Democrats.

But, I disagree with Goodwin. Biden has united the millions of people, including Democratic and independent voters, who oppose his policies and actions.

The opposition to critical race theory, illegal immigration, rising inflation and prices and kowtowing to our enemies is growing everyday.

There is a tsunami coming in 2022. These millions of people should stop the shenanigans of this president and the Democratic-run Congress. This would be no great loss.

Richard A. Ketay
Newark, NJ

Money for terror
Is the Biden administration pro-terrorist (“Funding Palestinian Terror,” Editorial, July 25)?
Sure seems so, since it reversed the Trump-era policy of stopping payment of US funds to the Palestinian Authority until the government stops payments to the families of terrorists.

If you thought the Taylor Force Act, which Congress passed in 2016 in order to stop just this kind of misuse of US money, would prevent this kind of abuse, think again. Biden found a way around this law.

The bottom line is we’re paying for the Palestinian government to keep terror alive.

Steve Heitner
Middle Island, NY

B&J’s boycott
Joel Gasman is in a tough spot (“ ‘Pint-Size’ Hero on UWS,” July 29).

His donation of 10 percent of his proceeds to help Israel is an excellent effort. However, he is still supporting Ben & Jerry’s.

No matter what, he is still helping to build a brand he despises. As a franchisee, Gasman pays a percentage of his gross to Ben & Jerry’s every month. The 10 percent to Israel, which I am sure is pre-tax, comes from his end, not Unilever’s.

This being the case, he still serves the entity he professes to hate. As I said, tough spot, but it is disingenuous to claim his Ben & Jerry’s store is not part of the boycott. As long as the name on the storefront is Ben & Jerry’s, the store is a part of the boycott.

Stephen Valentini
Bonita Springs, Fla.

Brush with crime
Sen. Barbara Boxer was quite lucky last Monday afternoon when she was mugged near her home (“Dems get taste of chaos they have unleashed,” July 28).

Than Htwe was not so lucky. The 58-year-old Asian woman was critically injured when a crook pulled her and her son down the subway steps while trying to steal a bag. She laid in a coma for 11 days, brain dead. She died last week.

It’s people like Boxer who created an atmosphere in this country that allows evil deeds like this to go unpunished.

Maxine Uretsky

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