
De Blasio a no-show at Police Commissioner Shea’s ‘cop shot’ briefing

Where was Bill?

Mayor de Blasio was a no-show at the NYPD’s early-morning Saturday news conference about the shooting of a police lieutenant in the Bronx, and City Hall did not offer an explanation for his absence.

“That’s typical of him,��� grumbled one police source of Hizzoner. “He never has cared about police officers. So it’s not surprising he’s showing his true colors with only a few months left.”

Police Commissioner Dermot Shea briefed the media outside Jacobi Medical Center around 4 a.m. Saturday on the status of the wounded lieutenant, who was shot late Friday night in the Bronx while wrestling with accused gunman and documented gang member Jerome Roman, 26.

Roman was taken to the hospital following the episode, and his arraignment was pending Saturday in Bronx Criminal Court, cops said. The officer was treated at a hospital and released after being shot in the ankle.

Mayor Bill de Blasio plays a friendly game of beach volleyball at Orchard Beach in The Bronx on July 30, 2021.
Mayor Bill de Blasio plays a friendly game of beach volleyball at Orchard Beach in The Bronx on July 30, 2021. Stephen Yang

The mayor has had a rocky relationship with the NYPD during his time in office.

Among his missteps: In July 2017, de Blasio caught heat after he skipped an NYPD swearing-in ceremony made somber the same week after the assassination of a cop — then hours later revealed he was busy preparing to jet off to join leftist protesters at the G-20 summit in Germany.