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Sen. Kyrsten Sinema reportedly won’t put off vacation for reconciliation vote

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema — a key Democratic swing vote — has said she will not be putting off August vacation plans to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure deal and $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget bill, according to a report. 

Sinema, who previously said she would not support the $3.5 trillion bill that Democrats plan to push through with no Republican support, told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) of her intentions to keep her summer plans, multiple unnamed sources told Politico’s Playbook.

The news could prove difficult in passing the bills, as Sinema is a crucial vote in the reconciliation bill and negotiator for the separate bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal. Top Senate Democrats are hoping to pass the latter before moving on to the reconciliation bill. 

Sinema came out against the reconciliation bill Wednesday, citing its high cost. 

“I support many of the goals in this proposal to continue creating jobs, growing American competitiveness, and expanding economic opportunities for Arizonans … I do not support a bill that costs $3.5 trillion,” she said in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) reportedly told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer she is not changing her summer plans. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

The Senate is split 50-50, meaning Democrats need every single member to vote in favor if they want to pass the bill with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking 51st yea vote.

After a test vote on the infrastructure bill Wednesday, Schumer said he plans to get both pieces of legislation through before the August recess, starting Aug. 9, but also signaled that he is willing to delay its start.

“My goal remains to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and a budget resolution during this work period. Both,” he said. “It might take some long nights, it might eat into our weekends, but we are going to get the job done and we are on track.” 

Despite her speaking against the reconciliation bill, President Biden revealed to reporters Thursday night that he has faith in Sinema voting for the legislation. 

“She’s on board for passing if in fact she sees all the pieces of it. That’s why she allowed the budget to go forward,” he said.