
Letters to the Editor — July 28, 2021

The Issue: The Nightlife Advisory Board’s proposal to allow regulated drinking in outdoor public places.

Allowing alcohol consumption outdoors in New York City could work if it is properly regulated (“Out in pub-lic,” July 27).

There are places where this should be allowed and places where it shouldn’t. It should be allowed on the blocks where people who voted in favor of this live. It should also be allowed in the quieter, rich neighborhoods of the Upper East Side and Upper West Side.

Let them share in the wonderful joy of having obnoxious drunken fools with boom boxes outside your residence while you try to sleep, like we are gifted with here in the East Village. Make it a double.

Kreg Ramone

Is it a shock to see the de Blasio administration pro­pose yet another regressive policy that will lower the quality of life in the city by allowing drinking and dancing in public areas? These “progressives” have no limit to how far they will go to destroy the fabric of our society.

It’s not enough for good people to sit around and do nothing. If you care about what this city is turning into, you must act.

Contact your representatives and let them know you will not give them your vote if they continue on this course.

Saul Mishaan

Mayor de Blasio’s Nightlife Advisory Board believes that drinking in a public space should be regulated but not prohibited. In other words, we will have more Washington Square Parks.

Dispensing alcohol to the public is a monitored activity for a reason. Bar owners who fail to regulate their patrons’ drinking face the wrath of the State Liquor Authority. Who is going to regulate an all-night party?

This idea is nothing more than another swipe at quality of life in the Big Apple by the de Blasio administration.

No-bail laws, defunding of police and the refusal of prosecutors like District Attorney Cyrus Vance to prosecute will create a perfect storm.

How much more progressive liberalism can the city take?

Robert Mangi

In a city riddled with crime, it is important to have a way for people to blow off steam, but do you really think that letting alcohol be consumed in parks and on the streets of the city is the answer?

There are so many instances where crime is driven by alcohol and drugs. This advisory board is a joke.

Jean Cole
Juno Beach, Fla.

The Issue: The CUNY faculty union’s resolution condemning Israel for responses to Palestinian attacks.

As a CUNY professor, I was outraged over this resolution (“Professors in CUNY exodus,” July 26).

I wrote to Professional Staff Congress’ new union president, James Davis, when I heard about the resolution. I told him that whatever your political beliefs are, I do not see how this resolution will effect the betterment of student education or faculty pedagogy.

If the union needed to take this issue up as an initiative, let’s be fair — why not condemn China for its genocide of the Uyghurs? Or Iran’s genocide against the Kurds and execution of gays? This would only be a start. The list would be exhaustive.

Martin Garfinkle
Staten Island

The CUNY union resolution condemning Israel reinforces the students’ racist references to “apartheid” Israel.

In Israel, all citizens can serve as doctors, nurses, judges, policemen, soldiers and members of the Knesset. Referring to Israel as an apartheid state is pure hatred.

Mel Young
Boca Raton, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.