
Dem says party will lose House unless filibuster is squashed to pass election bill

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, one of President Joe Biden’s top congressional allies, is urging him to push for major changes to the Senate’s filibuster rules — because without swift passage of the Democrats’ election reform bill, the party “can kiss the majority goodbye.”

“I don’t care whether he does it in a microphone or on the telephone — just do it,” Clyburn, the House Majority Whip, told Politico Saturday.

Clyburn has floated the idea that Senate Democrats could tweak the filibuster — which requires 60 votes to end debate on most measures and move them to a final up-or-down vote — to let bills that address constitutional rights pass by a simple majority.

That carve-out would make it possible for Dems to pass their long-sought For the People Act, a sweeping measure that would rewrite hundreds of state election laws at a stroke.

Senate Republicans blocked the bill last month — and House Dems’ anxiety over the opposition’s ability to stymie their election plans is mounting.

The House-passed package aims to “expand access” to the polls, end gerrymandering, and require states to offer mail-in ballots and same-day voter registration.

But the party’s razor-thin Senate majority — the 50-50 balance requires Democrat unanimity as well as the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris — means that every Dem, including moderates like West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema, must be on board for a filibuster change to pass.

Biden heads to Philadelphia Tuesday to deliver what the White House has billed as a major speech on his “actions to protect the sacred, constitutional right to vote” — an attempt to sway public opinion behind his party’s election wishes.