
Temperatures set to soar above 90 degrees this week as NYC roasts

New York City is under a severe thunderstorm watch Tuesday as it gears up for another two straight days of scorching temperatures. 

“It could bring some damaging wind gusts and some heavy rains,” AccuWeather senior meteorologist Paul Walker told The Post of the incoming showers. 

“It’s not out of the question that you could lose power because of that thunderstorm later this afternoon or this evening.”

The severe storm watch is in effect for the southern half of Connecticut, southeastern New York, all of New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, the National Weather Service said.

Meanwhile, following a cooler Fourth of July weekend, the storms won’t be enough to stave off skyrocketing temperatures and humidity that will make it feel like the triple digits, Walker explained. 

People cool off at Domino Park in Brooklyn, on July 6, 2021. Gabriella Bass

“Look for a high of 93 today, but with the humidity, it’s going to feel like 105 degrees at times this afternoon, because of it being so humid,” Walker said.

“It’s going to make it feel a lot warmer than the actual air temperature.”

Meteorologists are eyeing the exact same forecast for Wednesday — high temperatures hitting 93 with a heat index of 105, according to Walker. 

Due to the heat, a planned ceremony at the end of the city’s ticker-tape parade along the Canyon of Heroes — the section of Broadway in Lower Manhattan — will be “stripped down” and much smaller, Mayor Bill de Blasio said at his Tuesday press briefing. 

Temperatures in the city are expected to soar to above 90 this week. AFP via Getty Images

Additional cooling and water stations will be added along the route, he said.

“We have a little bit of a challenge because we do have some heat tomorrow,” Hizzoner said. 

The parade will kick off at Battery Park and come up to City Hall. 

However, despite the sizzling temps, the city won’t quite meet the heat wave criteria this week, Walker said.

The humidity could make it feel like triple-digit temperatures. Getty Images

A heat wave requires three days in a row of temperatures 90 degrees or greater, he said. 

“So this falls short by a day,” Walker said. “You know, [Monday] we were only 83.”

It will only reach 86 degrees on Thursday, but it will feel like the low 90s, Walker said. Showers are also expected then. 

This week’s stifling temperatures are just par for the course in the summertime, the meteorologist explained. 

The temperatures are not expected to break record highs. Getty Images

“It’s above normal, yes, but we quite often have these couple of days where it gets very hot and very humid, so it’s typical for this time of year,” he said. 

The mercury won’t come anywhere close to touching record temperatures Tuesday or Wednesday, Walker said. 

The record for both days was set in 2010 — 103 degrees on Tuesday’s date and 100 on Wednesday’s date, he said.