
Bitcoin mining operation in Finger Lakes sparks local concerns

A gas-fired power plant being used to support a Bitcoin mining operation in upstate New York has divided local residents over the environmental toll of the energy-intensive process versus the economic benefits the business brings to town.

Locals who have protested the operations of the plant, which is on the shores of Seneca Lake, have expressed concern that it’s polluting the air and heating the lake, the largest of the Finger Lakes, NBC News reported.

“The lake is so warm you feel like you’re in a hot tub,” Abi Buddington, a resident of Dresden, New York, whose home is near the plant, told NBC.

However, the plant’s operator, Greenidge Generation, insists the plant is carbon neutral and is not having a major impact on the local environment. 

Bitcoin mining is the energy-intensive process and is a “horrible business model for all of New York State.” LARS HAGBERG/AFP via Getty Images

Dale Irwin, CEO of Greenidge, said Wednesday that “the claim that Greenidge’s fully permitted operation would have any impact on the quality and viability of Seneca Lake is beyond absurd.”

The company pointed to data from Hobart and William Smith Colleges that show Seneca Lake’s water temperatures have remained largely stable for years. 

The 2021 reading of the lake’s summer temperature was just barely higher than the average from 2007 – 2021, as it has occasionally been in years past, according to the data. 

Judith Enck, a former EPA regional administrator, said that New York will not reach its greenhouse gas reduction goal by 2030 if the Bitcoin mining plant continues to operate. John Greim/LightRocket via Getty Images

Responding to directly Buddington’s comment, Irwin also said, “The temperature data shows the Lake is not ‘a hot tub’, and Greenidge is having no impact whatsoever on the Lake. It remains a gem for all of us in the Finger Lakes to enjoy.”

Buddington, who also serves as secretary on the Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes, helped organize a protest at a nearby Department of Environmental Conservation office in Avon, NY last month against the plant.

Elon Musk has called out Bitcoin for the negative impact mining has on the environment. Getty Images

The protest was also organized by Seneca Lake Guardian, a nonprofit conservation advocacy.

“These crypto operations are looking for anywhere that has relatively cheap power in a relatively cool climate,” Yvonne Taylor, vice president of the group, told NBC. “It’s a horrible business model for all of New York State, the United States and for the planet.”

Bitcoin mining is the energy-intensive process that both produces new bitcoins while processing transactions made with the existing supply. It’s become a major point of criticism for the crypto, with even some of its biggest supporters like Tesla CEO Elon Musk calling out its environmental impact.

The facility on the shores of Seneca Lake is owned by private equity firm Atlas Holdings and operated by Greenidge. Atlas bought the coal-fired plant in 2014, three years after it had closed, the report said, and converted it to natural gas.

The almost 80-year-old plant resumed operations in 2017 and generated energy for the grid only at times of high demand, according to the report.

But in 2019, Greenidge began to use the plant to power its Bitcoin mining efforts. As the price of Bitcoin soared since then, the potential profit from mining the cryptocurrency surged, too, and Greenidge increased the plant’s output.

During the 12 months ending Feb. 28, 2021, the company said it mined 1,186 bitcoins at a cost of approximately $2,869 each. The digital currency, which is extremely volatile, currently trades at around $33,600 per coin.

But the soaring demand for energy to power Bitcoin mining operations has many locals and environmentalists worried.

Still, Greenidge insists that state environmental authorities have determined that the plant “does not have a significant impact on the environment.”

After the local protest last month, the company announced publication of a study by an economic consulting firm that touted its jobs creation in the area.

The plant employs 31, NBC said, and the company said last month that it plans to add at least 10 more full-time employees over the next year.

But Judith Enck, a former Environmental Protection Agency regional administrator and a senior fellow and visiting faculty member at Bennington College in Vermont, told NBC that Greenidge’s carbon credits is probably “not a particularly effective way to reach greenhouse gas reduction goals.”

“New York had established a goal in law of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030,” Enck told NBC. “The state will not reach that goal if the Greenidge Bitcoin mining operation continues.”

Documents obtained through an open records request by Earth Justice, a nonprofit environmental advocate, show that the plant’s emissions have skyrocketed since Greenidge started using it to fuel Bitcoin mining operations, NBC reported.

At the end of 2020, the plant’s carbon dioxide equivalent emissions totaled 243,103 tons, up from 28,301 tons in January, the report said. The plant generated carbon emissions of just 119,304 tons in 2018 and 39,406 tons in 2019, according to the federal documents obtained by Earth Justice.

The gas-fired power plant used to mine Bitcoin employs 31 people. Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Critics fear that more previously shuttered plants could also be reopened to support Bitcoin mining efforts. Greenidge announced last week that it will open a new Bitcoin mining operation in Spartanburg, South Carolina, at a retired printing plant owned by Atlas.

To be sure, Greenidge’s plant on Seneca Lake has its local supporters, too. The Dresden Fire Department accepted a $25,000 donation from the company, according to NBC, and the school district took a $20,000 gift.

Gwen Chamberlain, a former local newspaper editor who is on a community advisory board working with Greenidge, said the operation is helping the town “tremendously.”

“The tax base is growing, and that’s helping the school, the county, and the town tremendously,” Chamberlain told NBC News. “Their employment has always been good, solid jobs for local workers.”

The advisory board, the Greenidge Local Advisory Group, issued a scathing statement in response to NBC News’ reporting on the plant. 

“The NBC News pieces which ran this weekend were unfortunately based upon the previously discredited claims of the remaining few opponents of Greenidge, and do not in any way reflect the overwhelming support Greenidge enjoys locally from local government, civic organizations, our Seneca Lake neighbors and the IBEW workers that partner with us,” the group in a statement.

“The suggestion that Greenidge is somehow negatively impacting Seneca Lake — or is an impediment to New York’s important greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals — is just false. Any honest review of the facts makes that clear,” they added.

The group is composed of three members: Chamberlain, Dr. Tim Dennis, a former Yates County Legislative Chairman, and Skip Jensen, a field advisor with the New York Farm Bureau.