
NYC slags Cleveland on Twitter in ad-blitz retaliation

The city that never sleeps couldn’t take this one lying down.

In a passive-aggressive swipe at an ad campaign encouraging Gothamites to migrate to the Midwest, the official Twitter account of the city of New York (pop. 8.3 million) slagged Cleveland (pop. 0.4 million).

The state of Ohio is luring in New Yorkers to move by offering lower taxes than the Big Apple.
The state of Ohio is luring New Yorkers to move by offering lower taxes than the Big Apple. Getty Images

“A gloomy day in New York City is still better than a sunny day in Cleveland,” tweeted @nycgov.

(The mayor’s office didn’t return a request for comment on the authorship of the tweet.)

A view of the Brooklyn Bridge.
A view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Getty Images

The tweet was an oblique reply to JobsOhio’s “Ohio is for Leaders” ad blitz, which included a spot in Times Square reading: “Your buildings are taller, our taxes are smaller,” according to