Ex-Washington Football Team employees ‘physically ill’ over NFL ruling: lawyer

An attorney representing more than 40 former employees of the Washington Football Team said the NFL’s lack of transparency regarding the investigation into the team’s toxic workplace culture that resulted in a $10 million fine is unacceptable.

Moreover, it has left many of her clients “physically ill.”

“I think it’s outrageous,” attorney Lisa Banks said to 7News Sports in the nation’s capital. “I think we have seen that there’s been no transparency and no accountability here, and I have over 40 clients who are truly devastated.”

The NFL hired Beth Wilkinson to conduct a year-long independent investigation after The Washington Post revealed allegations of abuse and sexual harassment within the Washington Football Team. The findings confirmed “bullying and intimidation frequently took place and many described the culture as one of fear, and numerous female employees reported having experienced sexual harassment and a general lack of respect in the workplace,” according to a statement.

But the NFL reportedly did not ask for or receive a written report from Wilkinson, raising questions over internal concern of a paper trail.

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“We asked the NFL to release this on multiple occasions, “ Banks said. “The league seems to be in the business of protecting the owners and that’s certainly what they did here. If [NFL Commissioner Roger] Goodell doesn’t have a written report in his hands. He doesn’t have the tough decision about whether to make it public or not.”

Washington owner Daniel Snyder handed over day-to-day operating control to his wife Tanya on his own accord. It was not a sanction enforced by the NFL and therefore Daniel Synder — one of the NFL’s least patient owners, who was found to have “paid little or no attention to these issues” — can resume command on his own timeline.

“I don’t take much comfort in his wife being named co-CEO, or apparently running day-to-day operations,” Banks said, “because I think it’s one in the same thing.”

Washington has undergone a significant front-office and coaching overhaul in the past 17 months. But the allegations extend back throughout Snyder’s more than two decades of ownership.

“They’re devastated, they are absolutely devastated,” Banks said of her clients. “I’m getting call after call, text after text, telling me that they’re physically ill hearing this news, and they are just feeling so disappointed and dispirited.”