
Letters to the Editor — July 3, 2021

The Issue: Vice President Kamala Harris’ trip to the southern border to address surging immigration rates.

Sending Kamala Harris to El Paso, Texas, to identify the problems at the border is analogous to sending her to the Hamptons to find out what the problems are in New York City (“Kamala’s Border-Trip Fiasco,” Editorial, June 26).

The bottom line is that the Democrats are not interested in solving this major problem. Just think of all the votes that they would lose if they did. What a sad state of affairs.

Ed Quinlan
New Hyde Park

Harris’ trip to the border was a joke and only done to try to upstage the trip by President Trump. She went nowhere near the areas that are having all the problems with illegals entering the country.

She made ridiculous statements that the administration has made tremendous progress dealing with the crisis. How would she know that if she doesn’t go anywhere near where the crisis exists? It was all political theater.

Here is a woman who is the first female and African American to ever hold the office of vice president. She is falling flat on her face.

Jerry Esposito

Kamala finally made a drive-thru appearance at the border.

Harris blamed the Trump administration’s policies for the crisis at our southern border. She said: “We inherited a tough situation.” She lied.

The Biden-Harris administration has repeatedly lied about the crisis at the border and the direct role they have played in creating the crisis.

Sen. Dick Durbin praised Harris for her leadership on “immigration reform.” Both Durbin and Harris blamed Congress for the lack of reform.

The Democrats miss the big picture: Close the border and enforce our immigration laws that Congress has passed and then start discussing immigration reform.

The problem is thousands of people have illegally crossed into the United States since Biden has taken office.

Michael Hart
Kokomo, Ind.

After landing in El Paso, a full three months after being put in charge of the border crisis, the vice president said: “We inherited a very tough situation,” and “in five months, we’ve made progress.”

The situation she was handed was the best it’s been in years, thanks to Trump’s “Stay in Mexico” policy and the addition of the almost-completed border wall. President Biden ended both immediately after assuming office.

The progress that Kamala claims to have produced is nonexistent. The number of illegals crossing the border and the number that are dying in the process are increasing, not decreasing.

Kamala claims she’s searching for the root causes of the border crisis. It’s clearly staring back at her when she and Biden look at themselves in the mirror.

Steve Heitner
Middle Island

Harris finally made it to the border — or did she? She lands at the El Paso airport, six miles from the border, and spends just six hours in the city, which is two miles from the border.

Meanwhile the real crisis at the border is in the Rio Grande Valley, hundreds of miles away. Why didn’t she go there?

Then she met with Rep. Veronica Escobar, who compared El Paso to Ellis Island, where millions of immigrants entered this country legally.

It is time for Harris and Biden to wake up and return all the policies instituted by the Trump administration in order to stop this crisis at our southern border.

Richard Ketay
Newark, NJ

I agree with the vice president that there has been “extreme progress” on the border.

Things there have gotten progressively worse, and extremely so.

The oath she took upon appointment, to uphold the law, has been breached.

Since when have the laws regarding the deportation of non-citizens who commit crimes in our jurisdiction been repealed?

The dereliction of the Harris-Biden administration is harmful to the nation.

James Evans
Worcester, Mass.

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