
The left’s dangerous push to hook the middle class on government ‘help’

Progressives are resisting President Joe Biden’s infrastructure deal, demanding it be linked to massive new spending on subsidies and entitlements for a simple reason: They want to get the nation hooked on them.

No sooner did Biden strike a bipartisan compromise last week to spend $1.2 trillion, mostly on traditional infrastructure projects, than left-leaning Dems insisted Congress first pass their “reconciliation” bill (bypassing the need for 60 votes to end a filibuster) that would steer trillions more toward non-infrastructure programs, like day care, free college, health care and other entitlements.

“Let me be clear: There will not be a bipartisan infrastructure deal without a reconciliation bill,” warned Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “We will not take up a bill in the House until the Senate passes the bipartisan bill and a reconciliation bill,” echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Why the line in the sand? Because the point of Biden’s “families” plan is to add a whopping 21 million, mostly middle-class, Americans to the entitlement rolls, meaning more than half the nation’s working-age households would depend on Uncle Sam, analysts John F. Cogan and Daniel L. Heil report.

And be stuck in dependency: Federal handouts will drive up the cost of services now largely affordable to most people, just as generous government aid has sent college costs soaring. Another price-pusher: all the new mandates (for union pay rates, for instance) that come with the federally subsidized services.

The result would be a middle class even more dependent on government’s good graces. Say hello to the permanent welfare state once known as America.

Never mind the hidden costs: Massive tax-and-spend schemes inevitably sap economic growth, generating less cash for everything, including . . . government handouts (even if Washington boosts tax rates sky-high for both the rich and middle class).

Democrats see making most of America dependent on government as a way to permanently lock in their power — no matter that it would put the nation on a brutal downward spiral.