US News

Washington teacher gives out flyers advising kids on abortions without parental consent: report

A school district in Washington state reportedly distributed flyers to eighth-grade students about sex and abortions, including information on what the legal age could be for sexual partners of kids as young as 11 years old.

The flyer given to the science class at Stewart Middle School in Tacoma advised students they can obtain an abortion without parental consent “AT ANY AGE” as well as purchase condoms regardless of how old they are, radio station KTTH’s “Jason Rantz Show” reported.

Students were also informed in the handout, which was reportedly produced by Planned Parenthood, about the laws regarding the age of consent for sex — with one example being that they could have intercourse at the age of 11 with someone who is two years older or younger.

Eric Hogan, the assistant director of secondary education for Tacoma Public Schools, told parents in an email that a teacher had given out the flyers to students by mistake, according to the report.

“The flyer is not part of our curriculum and should not have been sent home with students,” he reportedly wrote. “Previously, Planned Parenthood taught within our schools and supplied the flyer that was distributed to students.

Stewart Middle School in Tacoma, Washington.
Eric Hogan, the assistant director of secondary education for Tacoma Public Schools, told parents that a teacher had given out the flyers to students by mistake. Google Maps

“We discovered a binder of curriculum materials was left behind for an incoming teacher to use for this year, and this flyer was in the binder. Not realizing the flyer wasn’t approved material, the teacher sent it home with students,” he continued.

Hogan apologized in the letter on behalf of the school district and said that “corrective action has been taken” with the teacher who handed out the flyers, the report said.