US News

Lindsey Graham says Iranians ‘playing Biden like a fiddle’ after Syria attack

The Iranian regime is “playing President Biden like a fiddle” and Israel can’t entrust its security to the United States, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday night.

“The ayatollah, Sean, is a religious Nazi,” Graham told host Sean Hannity. “[Adolf] Hitler wanted a master race. The ayatollah wants a master religion. They’re trying to drive us out of Syria and Iraq so they can dominate Syria, Iraq and Iran – the Shia Crescent. They’re trying to build a nuclear weapon to hold the world hostage and one day destroy the State of Israel.

“They’re on the path to accomplish all that unless we make a correction now,” Graham added. “I’ve never been more worried than I am right now about a war between Iran and Israel.”

Graham spoke out one day after US troops in eastern Syria came under rocket fire. That attack came one day after American fighter jets carried out airstrikes near the Iraq-Syria border against what the Pentagon said were facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups to support drone strikes inside Iraq.

U.S. President Joe Biden looks on during a meeting at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 25, 2021.
President Joe Biden had a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on June 28, 2021. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

On the same day as the attack in Syria, Biden met with outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and assured him that “Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch” amid consternation in the Jewish state over Washington’s effort to rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

The Associated Press reported Monday that National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and other US officials met with Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi last week. At that meeting, Kochavi reiterated Israel’s opposition to US efforts to rejoin the nuclear pact. However, White House officials have reportedly told Kochavi and other members of the new Israeli government that it’s worth giving diplomacy a shot at stopping Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapons system, even if it’s not guaranteed.

“The State of Israel is in a bad spot here,” Graham said Tuesday. “How much longer do they wait before they act [against Iran]? I don’t think you can trust the United States with Israel’s security.”

Graham went on to argue that Iran’s leaders “understand that Biden is weak, and he’s making the world a much more dangerous place by showing weakness.”

President Biden has said Iran would not get nuclear weapons under his tenure.
President Biden has said Iran would not get nuclear weapons under his tenure. EPA

“The ayatollah has a game plan that doesn’t include Christians, Jews or moderate Muslims – Shia or Sunni,” he said. “So, this is the most important event since the ‘30s. We have a chance to keep Iran on the ropes. We have a chance to keep them in a box, but every day they get stronger because Biden doesn’t understand the nature of the threat”.

With Post wires