
Letters to the Editor — June 25, 2021

The Issue: President Biden’s strategy for combatting the nation’s rising crime and gun violence.

President Biden’s response to the violent crime destroying our cities was, as expected, that guns are to blame (“Questioning the Prez’s Sharpness,” Editorial, June 24).

Wrong again, Biden. I will tell you the top reasons we have an epidemic of violent crime: Kids are not being taught to have any respect for themselves and others.

Liberal, incompetent governors and mayors are not supporting their police. We have liberal district attorneys, and repeat offenders are not facing any consequences for their actions.

The vice president and some members of Congress have played down and even condoned the violent riots and looting that went on for months.

And we have an irresponsible and corrupt liberal media. What happened to balanced, fair and honest reporting?

Raymond Klett

Why is Biden so soft on criminals? He asserts that more gun control will lower today’s seriously high crime rates.

Yet New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, areas with exceptionally high rates of gun crimes, have the toughest gun laws in the country.

In these Democratic cities, criminals who are arrested, even for gun crimes, go back on the street immediately because of bail-reform policies that let criminals walk.

Michael Quane
South Hempstead

Biden gave another teleprompter speech that was written by his far-left flank on crime, pandering to the radical progressives of his party.

Meanwhile, crime keeps rising because of the ignorant ideology and policies of liberals.

Every time liberals bring up gun control, gun sales rise. The crime problem in America is because of criminals, not law-abiding gun owners.

Many criminals are taking advantage of the liberal no-bail law and the cancellation of stop-and-frisk.

Politicians with bodyguards say they were scared on Jan. 6. Well American citizens are scared everyday because of liberal policies.

J.R. Cummings

During Biden’s push for gun control, he was mumbling, fumbling and unable to articulate.

It’s time for Biden to wake up and tell the American people the real reason why crime is up in major cities.

Democratic-run cities are defunding the police. As a result, more officers are calling it quits and retiring. Who can blame them, when their own community does not have their back?

JoAnn Lee Frank
Clearwater, Fla

The Issue: The election of hardliner Ebrahim RaisiIran as Iran’s new president.

President Biden would be wise to demonstrate strength with the new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who is a reported hardliner (“Talks With Tehran Are Now Surreal,” Editorial, June 23).

The president should insist that there will not be a return to the 2015 nuclear-weapons agreement, which allowed Iran to continue its provocations in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen.

A return to the 2015 deal, which also allowed for reduced sanctions and the release of frozen funds, would provide Iran’s hardliners with the resources to achieve their hegemonic Middle East ambitions.

Ed Houlihan
Ridgewood, NJ

The surest bet in history is that tyrants and mass murderers, like Raisi, Iran’s new president, will never abide by anything they “agree” to.

Unfortunately, we can be sure Iran will outsmart those who are empowered to “verify” that it is complying with the deal.

David Rabinovitz

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