
Letters to the Editor — June 21, 2021

The Issue: Mayor de Blasio’s lack of response to rising crime and disorder in Washington Square Park.

Mayor de Blasio abandoned the city during his failed run for president, making him “the national idiot” (“DeB ‘didn’t see a problem’!?!” June 18).

The clueless progressive has abandoned the city again by failing to acknowledge the worst crime crisis since the 1970s or to do anything to protect the people who pay his and his wife’s hefty salaries.

Kathryn Donnelly


As a native New Yorker who did not flee the crime waves and lower quality of life during the 1970s-1990s, I’m am reconsidering (“Bloodshed, Bedlam & Clueless Blas,” Editorial, June 15).

Another criminal rampage beset Washington Square Park recently, ending in 14 shootings, two knifings, vicious assaults, attacks on businesses and more, as the NYPD was held at bay.

Mayor de Blasio’s answer to the depravity that went on in the park? A “natural” resolution will work things out, whatever that may mean.

If we had a choice between a natural resolution against the high crime rate or allowing the NYPD to do their job, I’ll choose the NYPD.

J. Marie Norris


Our mayor has decided to turn a blind eye to the problem.

A curfew was suppose to be in place a week or two ago, but our mayor is holding the NYPD from performing its duties.

It is no longer safe to walk through the park or even around it after the sun is down. Assaults, drug use and loud music make it total mayhem there — a Sodom and Gomorrah at night, all because the mayor refuses to acknowledge the out-of-control situation.

What’s it going to take before he wakes up?

Joseph Comperchio


So the residents around Washington Square Park are upset by the disorder? What did they expect?

They helped elect government officials who enacted no-bail reform, emptied half of Rikers Island, disbanded the anti-crime units and removed limited liability for the police.

Then there are prosecutors who will not prosecute and judges who are soft on criminals.

On top of that, the residents helped elect a doofus mayor — not once but twice.

Gary Layton

Interlaken, NJ

The Issue: A city-backed program that will give $1,250 per month to young homeless people.

A program backed by the city plans to give $1,250 a month to the homeless (“Young NYC homeless people to get $1,250 each month in city-backed study,” June 18).

The intentions are certainly noble, but here’s the problem: The homeless population in New York City has a very high percentage of drug addicts.

Where exactly do these fools think this money will be spent — on school supplies? Are you kidding me? Which genius came up with this idea?

Drug addicts will always spend any and all available cash on drugs. Period. That’s the nature of the desperation that addiction brings with it.

The recipients will not be held accountable for where the money is spent. It doesn’t take a genius to realize the disaster this program will be.

Norman Gold

West Hempstead

Now a city-backed program will give young homeless people $1,250 per month to spend as they wish — more brilliant social engineering by the left.

Most homeless people have serious personality disorders, and no amount of money will get them off the street. We need homes and halfway homes — if you can get the homeless to actually stay in them.

Lloyd Zimet


The Issue: A city-backed program that will give $1,250 per month to young homeless people.

A program backed by the city plans to give $1,250 a month to the homeless (“Cash for young on streets,” June 19).

The intentions are certainly noble, but here’s the problem: The homeless population in New York City has a very high percentage of drug addicts.

Where exactly do these fools think this money will be spent — on school supplies? Are you kidding me? Which genius came up with this idea?

Drug addicts will always spend any and all available cash on drugs. Period. That’s the nature of the desperation that addiction brings with it.

The recipients will not be held accountable for where the money is spent. It doesn’t take a genius to realize the disaster this program will be.

Norman Gold

West Hempstead

Now a city-backed program will give young homeless people $1,250 per month to spend as they wish — more brilliant social engineering by the left.

Most homeless people have serious personality disorders, and no amount of money will get them off the street. We need homes and halfway homes — if you can get the homeless to actually stay in them.

Lloyd Zimet


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