US News

‘Throuple’ Rep. Katie Hill says she is considering another run for office

Former California congresswoman Katie Hill, who resigned in 2019 amid a highly publicized “throuple” sex scandal, said in a new interview that she is mulling another run for office.

Hill told “Axios on HBO” that in hindsight she now believes the scandal was “politically survivable,” citing two current elected officials — Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz — who are facing their own allegations of sexual misconduct, but have refused to resign.

“You really wonder how much of it was the pressure I put on myself because I was a woman, and because I’d been an advocate for the #MeToo movement, and how much of it was sexism and … the public shaming aspect of it, the revenge-porn aspect of it,” Hill told the network of her resignation.

The former lawmaker revealed she is contemplating another run, but admitted it would “take a lot” for her to do so.

Hill resigned in October 2019 after she admitted to being in a “throuple” relationship with her now-ex-husband Kenneth Heslep and a 22-year-old female campaign staffer.

Hill noted Gov. Andrew Cuomo not resigning over his sexual harassment scandal as proof that she could've survived her scandal.
Hill noted Gov. Andrew Cuomo not resigning over his sexual harassment scandal as proof that she could’ve survived her scandal. Matthew McDermott

She was also accused of having a separate affair with her male legislative director, which kicked off an investigation by the House Ethics Committee and the Federal Election Commission. Hill denies she had that affair.

In her interview with “Axios on HBO,” Hill said she regrets her relationship with the younger female staffer.

“Would I ever do it again? No, absolutely not. I let those boundaries blur, and that shouldn’t have happened,” Hill said. “Was it the right thing to do? No.”