US News

Iran shuts down nuclear power plant for emergency repairs

Iran’s lone nuclear power plant was temporarily shut down over an unexplained emergency, according to the authoritarian nation’s state-run media.

An official from government energy company Tavanir said Sunday the Bushehr plant shutdown began on Saturday for repair work that would last “for three to four days,” possibly causing power outages.

It’s the first time Iran has reported an emergency shutdown of the plant, which was built with Russian backing as part of a nonproliferation agreement.

Nuclear officials warned three months ago that US imposed sanctions on Russia, Iran’s nuclear partner, could bring production at the plant to a halt.

Iran has been unable to procure parts and equipment for the plant since the sanctions took hold in 2018.

Bushehr is fueled by Russia-produced uranium. It’s monitored by the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency, which did not comment on reports of the shutdown.

The plant sits near active fault lines and has been previously shaken by temblors, but there has been no significant seismic activity near the port city in recent days.

With AP wires