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Sadistic mom made 13-year-old bury abused sister’s body, warrant says

The North Carolina woman charged with killing her 4-year-old by forcing her to stand for three days straight without breaks managed to add another horror to the tragedy by making the tot’s older sister bury her body.

Malikah Bennett, 31, of Charlotte, is facing charges of first degree murder and felony child abuse in the death last year of her daughter, Miegellic “Jelli” Young. She is also charged with felony concealing a death and inflicting physical injury.

The girl’s body was found in the family’s backyard last month.

Details revealed in search and arrest warrants show that the cover-up of Miegellic’s death involved several family members, The Charlotte Observer reported.

The 13-year-old girl, one of six children who lived in the home with Bennett and her boyfriend, said her mother forced the 4-year-old Miegellic to stand in the laundry room as punishment for having a bowel movement in her pants. On the third day, the tot fell out the back door and hit her head on the ground, the girl, who was not named, told police.

Malikah Bennett, 31, of Charlotte, is facing charges of first-degree murder and felony child abuse in the death last year of her daughter, Miegellic "Jelli" Young.
Malikah Bennett is facing charges of first degree murder. MSCO

After she passed out, the girl said Bennett tried to do CPR, but did not call for help. When Miegellic died, the mother washed the body and placed it into two black plastic trash bags, then put it in the trunk of her SUV.

The body was left there for five days, “until the smell became so bad,” the warrant said, according to the Observer. Bennett drove to a nearby store to buy a shovel, returned home and dug a hole.

Then she made the 13-year-old pick up her sister’s body, put it in the hole and cover it with dirt.

The tragedy was discovered May 21, after a child protective service worker asked police for a welfare check on the family. Bennett initially said she had dropped her daughter off with a family member the prior August and hadn’t seen her since. The warrant said a man told detectives that Bennett had confided in him that the girl was dead. Other family members beyond the 13-year-old said they didn’t know what happened.

A North Carolina mom allegedly forced her 4-year-old daughter to stand for three straight days as punishment, causing the girl to become so weak that she fell and suffered fatal injuries, authorities said.
A North Carolina mom allegedly forced her 4-year-old daughter to stand for three straight days as punishment, causing the girl to become so weak that she fell and suffered fatal injuries, authorities said. Facebook

Miegellic’s body had serious physical injuries, including bruises, swelling and black eyes, according to the arrest warrant for Bennett.

Police also arrested and charged Bennett’s mother, Tammy Taylor Moffett, 53, with concealing a death and accessory to murder after the fact, her arrest warrant said.