Keith J. Kelly

Keith J. Kelly


Strike averted at The New Yorker, as deal reached with NewsGuild

After nearly three years of negotiations, the NewsGuild said it has reached a deal with Conde Nast, covering The New Yorker, Ars Technica and Pitchfork, that averts a strike.

The NewsGuild of New York had grown increasingly restive in recent weeks, picketing outside Anna Wintour’s apartment even though the Vogue editor-in-chief and Conde Nast chief content officer had no responsibility for The New Yorker.

The union had also called a 24-hour strike at The New Yorker for its unionized members, who included lower-level editorial staffers like researchers, copy editors and fact-checkers.

The New Yorker’s big byline writers, many of whom had lucrative, six-figure contracts, had not joined the union.

The agreements include wage increases of up to 63 percent at The New Yorker, up to 58 percent at Pitchfork and up to 35 percent at Ars Technica, the Guild announced.

All three units will have a salary floor of $60,000 by the final year of the agreement. The agreements also include strict limitations on future health care cost increases, defined working hours for salaried employees including a 40-hour workweek and an eight-hour day and a ban on nondisclosure agreements related to discrimination and harassment.

People holding signs march in support of media workers during a NewsGuild rally in NYC
People pushed Conde Nast to come to an agreement with union workers during a May 1 rally in Manhattan. REUTERS

The new contract also includes guaranteed severance and health benefits in the event of layoffs and language that limits the company’s ability to rely on temporary employees, or so-called permalancers, to do unit work, the union said.

“To reach agreements in principle on the very first collective bargaining agreements at Condé Nast is a historic occasion, and we’re proud to have blazed the trail, setting a standard for compensation and establishing a framework of accountability that will benefit New Yorker and Condé Nast employees for years to come,” said Natalie Meade, unit chair of the New Yorker Union.

The unit had taken a strike authorization vote prior to the agreement.

A person wears a mask emblazoned with The NewsGuild of New York
A person wears a mask emblazoned with the NewsGuild of New York during a May 1 rally in Manhattan. REUTERS

“We are pleased to have an agreement of terms with the New Yorker, Pitchfork, and Ars Technica Unions,” Conde Nast said. “Over the last year, Condé Nast’s new executive leadership team has implemented equitable compensation and inclusive benefits standards across our workforce. These standards are now reflected in our agreement with union employees. We look forward to the ratification of the contract and continuing to support our editorial teams as they deliver world-class journalism for our audiences.”