US News

US, Russian ambassadors to return to their posts: Putin

American and Russian ambassadors will be resuming their official duties within the next few days, Russian President Vladimir Putin said following his summit meeting with President Biden on Wednesday.

“We agreed should return to their posts,” Putin told reporters in Russian, according to a translator.

“It’s a technical question as to exactly when that will happen. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, whatever.”

The announcement marked the first significant development to emerge following the meeting between Biden and Putin in Geneva, Switzerland.

Russia recalled its ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, in March after Biden said he believed Putin was “a killer.”

US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan left Moscow the following month after the Kremlin suggested he return to Washington for consultations amid rising tensions between the two countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) greets President Joe Biden.
The announcement marks the first significant development following the summit with President Biden and Russian President Putin. Getty Images

On Monday, Biden downplayed his description of Putin as “a killer,” instead saying he believed the former KGB agent was “bright,” “tough” and a “worthy adversary.”