
Supremes’ deserved slap to Biden and other commentary

Legal take: Supremes’ Deserved Slap to Biden

The Supreme Court just dealt “a well-deserved and humiliating defeat to the Biden administration,” cheer the Washington Examiner’s editors: The high court unanimously refused to let President Biden’s “soft-on-crime Justice Department” expand convicts’ rights to have sentences revisited under President Donald Trump’s First Step Act beyond what the law actually allows. The case involved a “career criminal,” Tarahrick Terry, who claimed he qualified for a reduced sentence under First Step. The courts ruled against him, since the law wasn’t meant for “hardened criminals”; Trump’s DOJ agreed, but Team Biden insisted its predecessor had gotten it wrong. Even the liberal justices “utterly rejected” the Bidenites’ “lame attempt to throw the rule of law over the side.”

Foreign desk: Bibi Will Be Back

Reports of Benjamin Netanyahu’s “demise may be greatly exaggerated,” quips Victoria Coates at National Review. Israel’s longest-serving premier was forced from office, yes, but the new government, which includes “an Islamist Arab party and a far-right party,” has “internal contradictions and incoherence,” on “full display” when they couldn’t even agree “on managing the roads in the West Bank.” Plus, “Netanyahu’s Likud party still overwhelmingly supports him” thanks to “his disciplined focus on the two issues broadly supported by the electorate: Iran and the economy.” Bibi “shepherded the remarkable progress of the Israeli economy” as the “start-up nation” became an “economic powerhouse,” but it now needs to recover post-pandemic. And “Israeli concerns about Iran will only grow” as Team Biden works to restore the nuclear deal. “Netanyahu’s last act” is still to come.

Urban beat: Safety’s NY’s Top Worry

Three decades since Gotham’s murder rate peaked, “New York again confronts menacing forces,” warns Charles F. McElwee at RealClearPolitics. “The city’s and state’s pre-pandemic criminal-justice initiatives, from bail reform to decriminalization, have reversed years of public-safety policies that restored order and turned the Big Apple into America’s safest big city.” That makes the Democratic mayoral primary, which is likely to decide the general election, a crucial one. And there are hopeful signs that public opinion is shifting in favor of a return to sanity and order: “Democratic voters now view crime and public safety as the next mayor’s top priority,” with one poll indicating that more than two-thirds “believe the NYPD should deploy more officers on city streets.”

Conservative: DC Mayor Framed Trump

Last summer, the media blamed then-President Donald Trump when authorities used tear gas to clear protesters from a street near the White House — but new reports confirm DC’s liberal mayor, Muriel Bowser, was the one ­responsible, though she “allowed Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done,” sighs The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway. Bowser instigated the “hysterical reaction from anti-Trump forces” that “contributed to a widespread breakdown in law and order throughout the summer.” She even resisted assistance from federal law enforcement, saying she was “in control of the situation” one day before the January Capitol riots. It’s only natural to wonder how much of the “billions of dollars in destruction, dozens of killings, a ripping of the fabric of society, and a general breakdown of law and order” were made worse by the “dangerous propaganda spewed by the corrupt press.”

Culture critic: Woke Profs Are True ‘Settlers’

In addition to gender pronouns, woke academics are increasingly appending denunciations of “settler” colonialism against Native Americans to their e-mail signatures — “never mind that along with traditions and tragedy worth remembering and respecting,” the Natives themselves had complicated and sometimes violent histories, fumes Bucknell University English teacher ­Fr. Deacon Paul Siewers at First Things. “Never mind that those signaling this recognition . . . are not giving up their affluent suburban properties or upscale salaries and benefits to those displaced peoples.” The academics are themselves the real settlers, imposing their “own 2020s cosmopolitan neocolonial culture on the locals.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board