
NYC Law Department’s network frozen after cyberattack

The New York City Law Department was the target of a cyber hack on Monday — and employees who work at the agency have been locked out of their accounts, City Hall said.

In a statement, a City Hall spokesperson said the hack was detected by the city’s Cyber Command and was still being investigated Monday afternoon.

“The City’s Cyber Command has identified unauthorized access within the NYC Law Department’s IT environment and promptly launched an investigation into the matter,” said spokesperson Laura Feyer.

“As the investigation remains ongoing, the City has taken additional steps to maintain security, including limiting access to the Law Department’s network at this time,” Feyer added.

It’s unclear if the hack was related to the ongoing ransomeware attacks across the country that have targeted public agencies and private corporations, including the Colonial Pipeline, which caused gas shortages throughout the US.

The Law Department, which employs about 1,000 lawyers, provides legal representation to city agencies and employees on a range of issues and defends the city in state and federal court cases.

“Law Department attorneys draft and review local and State legislation, real estate leases, procurement contracts, and financial instruments for the sale of municipal bonds,” the agency’s website states.

“There is rarely a major city initiative that is not molded by the Law Department’s staff,” it adds.